When touched the keys will generate a gate, a pitch control "voltage" and a pressure
control "voltage". These voltages are available in the Matrix and can be used to modulate
any destination in the top row of the Matrix. They are also available at the back of the
MicroFreak, where you can use them to control a modular system or an external synthesizer
with voltage inputs.
It's a good idea to clean this keyboard now and then with a soft, damp cloth. Try not to
use abrasives as this might damage the keyboard. A dirty keyboard may lead to unexpected
musical results. If that's what you're after you can ignore this advice.
10.1. Another look at Gates and Triggers
In the
we touched briefly on the subject of gates and triggers. These
also play an important role when you play the keyboard. In the MicroFreak the keyboard is
the primary source of gates.
When your finger touches the keyboard and you hold it there for a moment, you generate
a gate. The gate ends when you lift your finger. When the Amp | Mod button next to the
Envelope is off, the internal Amp will "listen" to what happens on the keyboard; when it
detects your finger it will go high in a rather abrupt way. It is an ON/OFF thing, but there are
ways to tweak that responsiveness that bring the unique character of this keyboard to light.
10.2. Keyboard responsiveness
There are a number of ways to fine-tune the responsiveness of the keyboard. First, there's
the option to change the keyboard setting from aftertouch to velocity as we mentioned
above. To change from Aftertouch to Velocity or vice-versa, go to Utiliy>Preset>Press Mode
and select either Aftertouch or Velocity. Changing this setting will result in a different
dynamic response.
The second option is to go to Utility>Preset>Velo Amp Mod. With Velo Amp Mod you set how
velocity with affect the volume of the patch. The range is from 0 to 10.
Freaky tip:
A great way to experiment with keyboard/volume effects is to assign the
envelope sustain knob in the Matrix as a modulation target, with Press as the source.
Because our hearing is much more sensitive to pitch changes than to volume changes, it's a
good idea to use pitch when making adjustments to keyboard responsiveness.
Here’s how you go about this. Select an empty preset and in the Matrix, assign pressure to
pitch with the maximum amount. Now place your finger at a 90° angle on one note’s upper
side. Then, lower your finger in such a way that more and more flesh of your finger touches
the key. When you cover more surface a higher pressure value will be sent, and the pitch
will rise.
If you keep your finger at 90° and start to do a hard press from there, as you would do
in standard “aftertouch” fashion, you’ll never reach the max pressure value, because of the
touch plate keyboard design.
Freaky tip:
Parameters such as Velocity, Aftertouch and Velo Amp Mode are saved with a
preset. This means you can store a different setting with each preset. If you need to change
keyboard volume responsiveness in the middle of a set, you could create two presets with
an identical sound but with the first set to Velo Amp Modulation set to 5 and the second with
Velo Amp Mod set to 10.
Arturia - User Manual MicroFreak - The Keyboard Section
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