An example of the Page bar in Multi mode
And of course the name of the current preset is always in the middle of the Page
bar. If you see an asterisk after the name it means the preset has been edited. In this
case, be sure to save your changes before selecting a new preset.
Parameter window
The center section in each mode is called the Parameter window. It has a very
different appearance depending on the page and mode you have selected:
The Main page
Chances are high that you’ll spend a majority of your Matrix-12 V time on the Main
page, both in Single and Multi modes. The other pages are very useful and have lots
of great features, but the Main page is at the center of it all:
The parameter window of the Main page
The Voices page
As with the Main page, the Voices page exists in both Single and Multi modes. But
what it does in each mode is quite different.
In Single mode its parameters affect what happens with a single Voice. But in Multi
mode its parameters can be applied to up to twelve Voices at once, each with its
own settings.