Chapter 26: Connection Admission Control
STANDARD Revision 1.0
C4® CMTS Release 8.3 User Guide
© 2016 ARRIS Enterprises LLC. All Rights Reserved.
allowed-total <%bw> - % US and/or DS Bandwidth allowed for all classes of voice traffic
reserved-emergency <%bw> - Minimum% US and/or DS channel bandwidth reserved for emergency voice use
reserved-normal <%bw> - Minimum% US and/or DS channel bandwidth reserved for normal voice use
After changing a voice limit that applies to all downstream or upstream channels, use the following command to propagate
default global voice limits for PacketCable to all channels in the C4/c CMTS:
configure packetcable voice-limits set-all
To set the Tmin for CAC to track the allocated bandwidth, enter:
configure qos-sc name <service class name> min-res-rate <value>
Setting Downstream Values (16D or XD CAMs) — Use the following commands (in the order listed) to set downstream
configure interface cable-downstream <slot/dsport> cable voice-limits allowed-normal <percent>
configure interface cable-downstream <slot/dsport> cable voice-limits reserved-normal <percent>
configure interface cable-downstream <slot/dsport> cable voice-limits allowed-emergency <percent>
configure interface cable-downstream <slot/dsport> cable voice-limits reserved-emergency <percent>
configure interface cable-downstream <slot/dsport> cable voice-limits allowed-total <percent>
Setting Upstream Values (12U or 24U CAMs) — Use the following commands (in order listed) to set upstream values:
configure interface cable-upstream <slot>/<uport> cable voice-limits allowed-normal <percent>
configure interface cable-upstream <slot>/<uport> cable voice-limits reserved-normal <percent>
configure interface cable-upstream <slot>/<uport> cable voice-limits allowed-emergency <percent>
configure interface cable-upstream <slot>/<uport> cable voice-limits reserved-emergency <percent>
configure interface cable-upstream <slot>/<uport> cable voice-limits allowed-total <percent>
Configuring Multicast CAC Threshold — Use the following command to provision the allowed bandwidth for multicast
configure cable admission-control multicast allowed <percent> [no]
The [no] option sets the percentage value back to the default of 20 percent.
Show Commands
This section provides commands used to output status and configuration information relating to the CAC feature.