Chapter 46: Command Line Descriptions
STANDARD Revision 1.0
C4® CMTS Release 8.3 User Guide
© 2016 ARRIS Enterprises LLC. All Rights Reserved.
configure interface cable-mac * cable privacy chk-validity-period
Provides the ability to change the setting of X.509 digital certificate validity period checking on CA certificates. X.509 certificates
contain a time range in which the certificate is valid.
Default Access Level
Command Syntax
configure interface cable-mac <mac> cable privacy chk-validity-period <true|false>
configure interface cable-mac <mac> cable privacy chk-validity-period <true|false> no
Enabling or disabling this operation checks or does not check whether or not the current time of day falls within or outside of this
certificate’s validity period respectively. For normal operation, validity period checking should be enabled.
Note: This command only applies to "new" certificates provisioned or learned by the C4 CMTS. Current certificates will not
automatically have their validity periods checked when this command is set to true. To cause the current certificate validity periods
to be re-evaluated, they must be deleted and relearned or reprovisioned.
To set the parameter to check the validity period of a new certificate (the default) value, use the no option.
The MAC identifier. Valid numbers are 0-415.
<true |
Validity period of new certificates is checked (Default)
Validity period for new certificates is not checked