Once the connection to the PC is made, you are ready to power-up the PC and run the terminal emulation
software. When you are in the terminal mode, you need to select the baud rate and the character format for
the channel. Most terminal emulation software packages provide a command known as "Alt-p" (press the p
key while pressing the Alt key) to choose the baud rate and character format. Make sure you select 8 bits,
no parity, one stop bit (see Section 1.9.5). Then, select the baud rate as 19200. Now you are ready to
apply power to the board.
Data Carrier Detect, Output (shorted to pins 6 and 8).
2. Receive Data, Output from board (receive refers to terminal side).
3. Transmit Data, Input to board (transmit refers to terminal side).
4. Data Terminal Ready, input (not used).
5. Signal Ground.
6. Data Set Ready, Output (shorted to pins 1 and 8).
7. Request to Send, input.
8. Clear to send, output (shorted to pins 1 and 6).
9. Not connected.
Figure 1.4. Pin assignment for the J1 (Terminal) connector.