About the Musca-S1 test chip and board
The Musca
S1 development board provides access to the Musca
S1 test chip.
Musca-S1 test chip and board
The Musca
S1 test chip demonstrates the foundation of single-chip secure
Internet of Things
endpoints. The architecture integrates the recommendations of
Platform Security Architecture
using the same subsystem as Musca-A (Arm CoreLink SSE
200 Subsystem for Embedded) but with the
addition of:
• Dual on-chip eMRAM and SRAM.
• Secure memory subsystems.
• PSA Level 1 and Functional API certification.
The Musca
S1 test chip implements a SSE-200 subsystem (r1p0) in Samsung Foundry 28nm,
Depleted Silicon on Insulator process
(28FDS). The implementation is ready to be used to form the core
processing element of energy-efficiency mainstream IoT devices with secure PSA
Musca-S1 can also be used to prototype secure boot, on-chip storage execution and network device
management through Trusted Firmware-M (TF-M), Arm Mbed
OS, and Arm Pelion
IoT platform
The Musca
S1 development platform is bootable from on-chip eMRAM or off-chip QSPI (on-board
Major components and systems
The Musca
S1 development board provides the following main features:
• Musca
S1 test chip that includes, but is not limited to, the following:
— CoreLink SSE
200 subsystem that contains two Arm Cortex
M33 (r0p2) processors.
— 2MB on-chip eMRAM.
— 2MB on-chip Code SRAM.
— Peripheral and Arduino Expansion Shield interfaces.
• On-board DAPLink that provides the following access:
Serial Wire or JTAG Debug Port
USB Mass Storage Device
(USBMSD) for uploading new firmware.
— USB serial port. The UART to the DAPLink does not support hardware flow control.
— Remote reset.
• On-board:
— 3-axis orientation and motion sensor (gyro sensor).
— Temperature sensor/ADC/DAC.
Quad Serial Peripheral Interface
(QSPI) 32MB boot flash.
• P-JTAG processor debug and SWD header.
• User RGB LED, status LEDs, user reset, and On/Off push buttons.
• The board is powered from USB 5V power or Li-ion rechargeable battery backup, battery not
supplied, selectable by a jumper link.
• Headers for Arduino Expansion Shield to support development of custom designs:
— 16 3V3 or 1V8 GPIO.
— SPI.
— I
— I
S three-channel, master only.
— 3-channel
Pulse Width Modulation
— 6-channel analog interface from the on-board combined ADC, DAC, and GPIO.
1 Introduction
1.2 About the Musca-S1 test chip and board
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