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Use of other RF Analyzers
As an alternate test method, ARM provides a Windows based Radio Control Tool, or “RCT” included in the BT4
Evaluation Kit. (See Section 6.1.3 below). The typical set-up for the RCT is depicted in the figure below. The PC is
attached to the DUT (BT4 Eval Board) via a USB to UART cable as well as the USB to Mini-B USB cable, both
provided in the kit. RF measurements can be made by a Spectrum Analyzer or other type of RF test equipment
via an RF Coax cable.
Figure 6.1.2a
– RCT Tool with RF Analyzer Set-up
The USB to UART provided in the BT4 Evaluation kit is connected to the BT4 Eval board via the Host UART port
on J14. See the pin-out of the cable in the diagram below. A Windows driver is required to be installed to use this
cable. The Windows driver for this cable is included in the RCT installation file. Please also note the Jumper J8
and J9 must be configured as shown to allow communications to the J14 UART connector (Section 3.3.4).
Figure 6.1.2b -USB to UART Cable Location & Pin-Out