Revised by R. Robinson
Issue AV1.13 8 June 2006
Zone 232
B.B.C. Pause TIMES
Default value =
Range =
(00 ~ 99)
This Zone sets the number of pauses in Speed Dial (only Speed Dial).
The value set in
is multiplied by the value in this zone.
= 20, this gives a pause time of 20*40=800 Ms. If this zone has a value of 2, the
pause time for Speed Dialing will be 1600 Ms.
Related Zones.
Zone 233
Busy Tn Tms
Default value =
Range =
(00 ~ 99)
This Zone sets the number of cycles of busy needed by the system to identify Busy Tone.
Related Zones.
Zone 234
Co Auto Trf
Default value =
Range =
(0 ~ 1)
This zone allows or disallows the Auto Transfer facility.
4 = Disable CO Auto-Transfer
5 = Enable CO Auto-Transfer
= 0 or 1
Manual operation if an SLT transfers a call to an ext that is Func, 2, 6. ie. The call is to be sent external:-
Hook-Flash, Ext Number, Hook-Flash, 3, 3, hang-up
Auto Transfer is Disabled
Manual operation if an SLT answers multiple incoming calls:-
Answer first call, Hook-Flash, to place first call on hold, Answer second call, Hook-Flash to place second call
on hold but retrieves first call….. and so on.
Auto Transfer is Disabled
= 0 or 1
As above but Auto Transfer is Enabled
= 0 or 1
Ext. answers a call and Hook-Flashes to hold the call, dials the ext number and hangs up to transfer the call
(Func, 2, 6. or internal transfer)
Auto Transfer is Disabled
= 0 or 1
As above but Auto Transfer is Enabled
= 0 or 1
Ext. answers a call and Hook-Flashes to hold the call, dials the ext number and hangs up to transfer the call
(Func, 2, 6. or internal transfer)
Auto Transfer is Disabled
Ext. answers the first call and a second call rings in. Hook-Flash to hold the first call and answer the second
call. Hook-Flash to hold the second call and transfer it. Hang-up and first call will recall to the SLT.
Auto Transfer is Disabled
As above but Auto Transfer is Enabled
Related Zones.