7 Operation on a VDSL Access
The ARGUS determines the following VDSL connection parameters:
VDSL Connection Parameters
Actual bitrate
The actual useable bitrate in kBit/s.
Attainable bitrate
This is the theoretically attainable bitrate in kBit/s.
Relative capacity
Utilization of the line as a percentage.
SNR margin
SIgnal-to-noise ratio in dB in the bands used.
The SNR margin is a measure of how much additional noise
the transmission can withstand and still achieve a BER (Bit
Error Rate) of 10
Unused bands will be marked as n/u (not used).
Loop attenuation
The line’s attenuation in dB over its entire length and
bandwidth in the relevant bands.
Unused bands will be marked as n/u (not used).
Signal attenuation
Signal attenuation in dB in the relevant bands.
Unused bands will be marked as n/u (not used).
Output power
Output power in dBm
Interleave delay
The delay (in msec) caused by interleaving the data blocks.
Impulse noise prot.
The Impulse Noise Protection is an indicator of the quality of
the protective mechanism as far as impulse noise is
The number of DMT symbols, which can be completely
distorted in succession, without an error occurring on the
higher layers.
Forward Error Correction
The number of transmission errors corrected using the ATM
cell checkbytes.
f (far):
Errors that the DSLAM has detected and informed
the ARGUS.
n (near):
Errors which were detected by the ARGUS in the
blocks it received.