© 16 March 2017 CO2Meter, Inc. All Rights Reserved
Application Note AN‐157:
Arduino UART Interface to TelAire T6613 CO2 Sensor
The Arduino UNO, Mega and Mega 2560 are ideal microcontrollers for
reading CO2 sensors. Arduino boards are useful for a beginner level
project up to integration into a complete sensor product. The Arduino to
sensor interface is via 19,200 BAUD serial TXD‐RXD connection.
If you are new to Arduino, these low cost development boards are
available from many sources. We recommend you start with authentic
Arduino products.
The Amphenol TelAire T6613 CO2 Sensor is a non‐dispersive infrared
(NDIR) carbon dioxide sensor factory calibrated to measure CO2 levels
up to 2,000ppm (0.2%). It is one of the most popular C02 sensors ever
produced. The dual channel design eliminates the need for calibration
in most applications. Its flexible interface is designed to be easily
connected to an Arduino or similar microcontroller. The sensor
requires 5VDC, 180mA peak current and 33mA average current.
Run the Arduino Blink Example
The best way to become familiar with the Arduino Graphical User’s Interface (GIU) is to create an
Arduino project and run the example
. This simple test program confirms that a number of
connection details and that the GUI are working properly.
Do not connect your Arduino board to your computer’s USB port until the Arduino software
is installed. Otherwise Windows would install a generic driver, not desired here.
Step 1:
Install Arduino software on your computer. From this page select the
Windows Installer.
Step 2:
To run the Blink example follow these instructions:
Note that the MEGA Arduinos have a LED on board.
The Arduino UNO may require a LED and resistor
be added as specified in the tutorial.
Once Blink runs properly, you can connect the sensor.