Carbon Plus Canister Filter
with Tubing
Installation, Operation & Maintenance Guide
Model# 540695
Installation Instructions
Thank you for purchasing an
Aquatic Life Carbon Plus Canister Filter.
When maintained properly, this unit
will provide you with years of service.
This canister filter contains the Carbon Plus
cartridge that will remove Chloramines and
Chlorine from tap water. It is important that
water flows in on the left side and out on the
right side for proper operation.
Each end includes pre-installed ¼" Press
Fittings for easy tubing connection.
The maximum incoming water pressure for
the unit is 80 PSI. If the pressure is more than
80 PSI, a pressure regulator is required.
Do not allow the canister to be exposed to
direct sunlight as this can affect the canister
For technical assistance or
warranty issues, contact Aquatic Life at
Please read
carefully before proceeding with
installation. Your failure to follow
any attached instructions and
operating parameters may lead
to the product’s failure.