User manual S200 WCS
Update August 2021
6.10 Temperature compensation
In case of different measurements, the measuring signal is dependent on the temperature.
The S200 measurement and control device compensates the measured values to a reference
temperature of 25°C. The temperature compensation takes place automatically if a
temperature sensor is used and the automatic mode for the temperature compensation is
6 . 1 0 . 1 Co r re c t io n te m p er atu r e s en so r
/Basic settings/Correct. Pt/
It is possible to connect different temperature sensors to the S200. You can choose
between the Pt 100 and the Pt 1000.
The zero point error of the Pt 100/Pt 1000 temperature sensor can be corrected by +/- 5°C.
6.11 Analog outputs
The S200 measurement and control device allows an output of all measuring values as
standard current signals 0/4-20mA to DIN IEC 60381-1. You can adjust the type of output
/Basic settings/Analog outputs/
6 . 1 1 . 1 Ass i g n i n g m e a s ure d va l u e s
/Basic settings/Analog outputs/Analog output 1
It is possible to assign different parameters to the analog outputs,
such as pH measurement or redox measurement, etc.
If the analog output is used as a controller, the setting
“No measurement” is to be selected here.