Part no. 769041
• Before using the Para Swimmer Vest you must read the
instruction sheet completely.
• Before using, inspect the entire vest for leakage or other
damage. If any part of the vest does not function properly, or
it is damaged, remove the Para Swimmer Vest from service
until repaired.
• Do not inhale from the Para Swimmer Vest oral inflator. The
vest may contain contaminants from a previous CO
or other source.
• The Para Swimmer Vest is not approved for use in SCUBA Diving.
1. Place the Para Swimmer Vest over your head. Route both straps underneath
your arms, through the D-rings and then tighten straps.
(See Fig. 1)
2. Fully inflate the Para Swimmer Vest by loosening the knurl nut on the oral
inflation tube and depress the oral inflator valve. Exhale into the valve
until the vest is full
(See Fig. 2)
. If the fit is too tight, adjust the straps for
Figure 1
Figure 2
Aqua Lung America Inc. warrants this product to be free from defects in material and
workmanship for a period of one year from the date of original purchase. Aqua Lung
will repair or replace products that prove to be defective under normal conditions
and proper use.
Literature PN 18295
2340 Cousteau Court, Vista, CA 92081
Phone (760) 597-5000 Fax (760) 597-4914
Rev 6/12
DO NOT use aerosol silicone sprays or cleaners to
lubricate the components, the propellants or carrier solvent
cause cracking or crazing.
a. To fresh water rinse the vest unscrew the OPRV, directly fill the vest
with water and re-thread the OPRV to the vest.
b. Swish the water around to remove any mineral deposits, invert the vest
so the OPRV is the lowest point and drain the water by pulling the knob
and cord assembly. Taste the last remaining drops of water for salt. If
salt is detected, repeat the cleaning procedure for the internal bladder.
6. To dry the vest after cleaning, inflate the vest until it is half full, this will allow
the inner bladder to dry. DO NOT dry the vest in direct sunlight. Store the
half full, inflated vest in a cool, dry and clean area.
7. Check the vest 30 minutes later for any leakage. If any leakage or holes are
detected, repair the vest utilizing the Aqua Lung Repair Kit pn 42611.
5. Inflate the vest with air, turn it to an inverted position and drain any water out
through the over pressure relief valve (OPRV) by pulling down on the knob
and cord assembly. If water drains from inside the vest, a fresh water rinse
should be done as follows.