5.2.2 - B5: Proceed for the rest of the wall.
NOTE 1 : Do not install the liner on both sides simultaneously. Be careful not to create wrinkles.
Install the liner from one point to the end by following one direction.
Liner adjustment and filling the pool
5.2.3: To ease the installation of the liner, you can use a
vacuum cleaner by blocking the skimmer with adhesive tape.
5.2.4: Insert the hose of a vacuum cleaner a few feet into the
water return. This will have the effect of pumping out the air and
ease the process of removing the creases and wrinkles.
5.2.5: To help the liner to fit the pool and remove the
wrinkles, place your self along the wall, and with both feet do a
slight jump a few inches backward while the vacuum cleaner is
in operation. Do this all around the pool where there are
Do not forget the remove your shoes!
Filling the pool
5.2.6: Start filling the pool by using a slow stream of water.
5.2.7: As the water rises, remove any remaining creases by pushing the excess material towards the sides of
the pool wall.
5.2.8: Before proceeding further, check the gaps between the top wall channels. These gaps should be
roughly similar to the gaps of the bottom wall channels.