WorldCast Equinox - Release 3.1 - user manual
– 07/2011
Page 169
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Tel.: +44 28 9067 7200 | Fax: +44 28 9067 7201 |
7.6. Connecting a WorldCast Equinox to a CCS Prima LT
The only compatible modes between WorldCast Equinox and CCS PrimaLT are over ISDN at 64kbps (G722,
MPEG Layer 2 and MPEG Layer 3) and 128kbps (MPEG Layer 2).
To set up the Prima LT make the following settings:-
–set to algorithm required – MPEG Layer 2, Layer 3, G.722
– choose Mono, Stereo, Joint Stereo, Dual Mono
Line Format
– 1 Line (64kbps) or CCS 2 Line (MPEG L2 128kbps only)
Bit Rate
–64kbps or 128kbps
Sample Rate
–choose 32kHz, 44.1kHz or 48kHz as required
Algorithm Mode
–choose Mono, Stereo, Joint Stereo, Dual Mono
Decoder Independent?
–Yes, Decoder must be independent from the Encoder
set to algorithm required
– MPEG Layer 2, Layer 3, G.722
Line Format
– Line (64kbps) or CCS 2 Line (MPEG L2 128kbps only)
Bit Rate
–64kbps or 128kbps