Rathsbergstrasse 17
90411 Nuremberg / Germany
Trade register:
Nuremberg HRB 23727
USt.-Id-No.: DE 256 058 089
D-U-N-S: 31-260-0530
phone: +49 911 / 65 00 79-50
+49 911 / 65 00 79-79
eMail: [email protected]
Web: www.aprotech.de
Managing Director:
Peter Jung
Industrial Panel- and Box-PCs
3.2.4 MezIO™ Module Installation
The MezIO™ module is situated above the heat spreader. Please make sure that you have
installed the memory module, mini-PCIe, SIM card, NVMe SSD before installing the MezIO™
module. To install the MezIO™ module, please refer to the following procedure.
1. The MezIO™ module connector can be located on the motherboard.
2. Remove the screws indicated in red and replace with stand-off hex bolt screws.