Applied Instruments Dual Buddy Скачать руководство пользователя страница 1






 DP TWIN LNB (110° and 119°): 


Dual Cable Input:  Follow DISH ALIGNMENT instructions on Page 4.  With no 
switching commands, the cable from the 119º side will carry the 119º signal and the 
cable from the 110º side will carry the 110º signal. 


Single Cable Input:  Connect a cable from input [1] to either side of the LNB head. 
Press and hold the 22 kHz button for 3 seconds to enable DiSEqC™ switching. Now, 
select the LNB according to the table on Page 4.  




three LNBs (DBS 110°/119°, and FSS 105° or 121°):


The Dual Buddy ™ can power two LNBs and the switch, but not all three LNBs at the 
same time.  Therefore, it is necessary to work with only two LNBs at the same time.  
Connect the two outermost LNBs to the Dual Buddy; connect the DBS LNB to input port 
[1] and the FSS LNB to input port [2].  Perform the following to align the dish: 


Follow DISH ALIGNMENT instructions on Page 4.  See steps 2 and 3 under the 
Dual Satellite section to align both outer LNBs.  Do not use the FINE STENGTH 
MODE (Step 4) when aligning this dish. 


Disconnect both the DBS and FSS LNBs from the Dual Buddy™. Connect the 
middle (DBS) LNB to the Dual Buddy’s™ input port [1].  Verify that adequate 
signal strength is being received.  




The Dual Buddy™ cannot power all three LNBs and the multi-switch at the same time.  
Connect the Dual Buddy™ between the multi-switch and LNB and align one dish at a 
time.  You may test the switch operation by connecting the Dual Buddy™ to a switch 
receiver port and connecting one dish at a time to the switch.  The cables to the dish may 
be connected to any of the “to dish” ports on the switch. 

ECHOSTAR LEGACY (DISH 500 TWIN LNB, 110° and 119°): 

Connect both cables from the LNB head and follow DISH ALIGNMENT instructions on 
Page 4.  The Dual Buddy™ does not control the switch inside the LNB head so the cable 
from the 119º side will carry the 119º signal and the cable from the 110º side will carry the 
110º signal. 



  The F-81 double F female barrels should be replaced when worn.  When 

changing the F-81 barrels, use  a 7/16” wrench.  Be careful to protect and align the base 
connector’s stinger when changing connectors. 

Battery Charging:

  While the unit is off, charge it overnight to obtain a full charge.  Do 

not use a wall transformer other than the one provided. Improper voltage or current input 
may damage the battery charge circuit and require non-warranted service work. 







Dual Buddy ™ spare parts and associated labor: 


Material          Labor 

Battery charger wall-transformer 



Battery charger auto-cigarette charger 



Protective rubber boot with clip 



F-81 double female barrel  



Battery pack 



Lexan face adhered to metal front panel 



Top metal end panel 



Bottom metal end panel (without charge jack) 



Base connector & cable that receives F-81  



Shipping, handling and evaluation fees are extra. 
Prices subject to change without notice. 



The Applied Instruments Dual Buddy™ has a limited warranty against defects in 
materials and workmanship for a period of twelve months.  Applied Instruments agrees to 
repair or replace any assembly or component (except F-connectors, battery, and neoprene 
carrying case) found to be defective under normal use during this period.  Applied 
Instruments’ obligation under this warranty is limited solely to repairing the instrument 
proved to be defective within the scope of the warranty when returned to the factory.  
Transportation to the factory is to be arranged and prepaid by the customer.  
Authorization by Applied Instruments is required prior to shipment. 
Applied Instruments assumes no liability for secondary charges or consequential damages 
and, in any event, Applied Instruments’ liability for breach of warranty under any 
contract shall not exceed the purchase price of the instrument shipped, and against which 
a claim is made. 
Any application recommendations made by Applied Instruments for the use of its 
products are based upon tests believed to be reliable, but Applied Instruments makes no 
warranty of the results to be obtained.  This warranty is in lieu of all other warranties, 
expressed or implied, and no representative or person is authorized to represent or assume 
for Applied Instruments, any liability in connection with the sale of Applied Instruments 
products other than that set forth herein. 


Please keep your receipt of purchase to verify purchase date. 


If it becomes necessary to have your Dual Buddy™ serviced, contact: 


Applied Instruments, Inc. 

5230 Elmwood Avenue 

Indianapolis, IN  46203 USA 

Tel. (317) 782-4331 

Fax (317) 786-9665 


Revised 10/2006 







LNB:   Low Noise Block amplifier.  The portion of the antenna-dish that receives the 

high-frequency signal reflected from the dish and then down-converts it to the L-
band (950-2150 MHz). 


Integrated Receiver Decoder.  Also referred to as the set-top box or satellite 
receiver.  The IRD processes the digital data carried by the RF signal and then 
provides the baseband picture signal to the television. 


Radio Frequency signals  

Cable:  75 Ohm coaxial cable 

Oval shaped antenna hardware mounted on the exterior of the customer’s 



The Dual Buddy

 satellite meter measures relative RF signal strength when connected to 

a dish antenna.  It is designed for installing and maintaining typical DBS residential 
satellite systems.  In the balancing modes, the Dual Buddy

 measures two satellite feeds 

and displays their relative signal strength.  The Dual Buddy

 also measures LNB current 

and the voltage being supplied to the LNBs.  It can power LNBs and multi-switches using 
its internal battery or allow IRD power to run through it. 
Each Dual Buddy

 package contains: 


Dual Buddy



Protective rubber boot with belt clip 


Wall plug transformer for charging battery  


Cigarette-lighter adapter for charging battery in automobile 


Instruction page   



“Dual Buddy”


Satellite Signal Meter 

User Instructions 









