AT381x User's Guide
When you press [Setup] key and [CORRECTION] soft key, the <CORRECTION> page appears.
In this page, the OPEN/SHORT for correcting the stray admittance and residual impedances
can be performed.
In order to achieve the accuracy specified by the technical specifications, open circuit clear
zero and short circuit clear zero are necessary.
Load calibration refers to the linear correction of the instrument using a known standard,
which is usually not required by user.
If replace test fixture or test cable, please re-perform open and short-circuit clear zero.
When the temperature changes dramatically, please perform open circuit and short circuit
clear zero in time.
Small range greatly rely on open-circuit clear zero, large range greatly rely on short-circuit
clear zero.
The correction function has two kinds of correction methods:
Calibration based on all frequency points. This calibration provides full open and short
circuit correction for all frequency points in the entire frequency range.
Based on the calibration of specified frequency point, it supports open circuit correction,
short circuit correction and load calibration for 3 user point frequencies.
In <CORRECTION> page, you can configure each of the following controls with the cursor
placed in the corresponding field:
[OPEN TEST]– including full frequency point open circuit correction
[SHORT TEST] – including full frequency point short circuit correction
[SPOT 1] – including open circuit and short circuit correction
[SPOT 2] – including open circuit and short circuit correction
[SPOT 3] – including open circuit and short circuit correction
Figure 5-2
Open Correction [OPEN]
The instrument open circuit calibration function compensates for any stray admittance (G, B)
that may exist between the calibration surface determined by the length of the test cable and
the connection point of the device under test.
Figure 5-3
Stray Admittance