600840-000032 Stratus ESG Installation Instructions
Rev. 1.5
Last Revised: September 22, 2016
Page 36 of 47
(iii) Marker Beacon
Verify the operation of each Marker Beacon Receiver while monitoring the effects of
Stratus ESG. The same frequencies used for the ILS test above may be used.
Verify the operation of each ADF receiver while monitoring the effects of Stratus ESG.
Frequencies from each band should be tested when possible. Public broadcast stations are
acceptable for conducting test.
Flight management systems
(i) FMS
Enter a flight plan into each FMS and verify the display of the track and navigation information
while monitoring the effects of Stratus ESG.
(ii) GPS
Monitor GPS signals for each GPS receiver and verify stability of the signals while monitoring
the effects of Stratus ESG.
Record GPS position coordinates for the aircraft.
(iii) Auto pilot
Verify the function of auto pilot while monitoring the effects of Stratus ESG.
Safety equipment
Verify the function of the EGPWS and Terrain Display (if equipped) while monitoring the effects
of Stratus ESG.
(ii) TCAS
Verify the function of the TCAS while monitoring the effects of Stratus ESG. Self-test and
monitoring targets of opportunity should both be evaluated.
(iii) Weather radar
Verify the function of each weather radar system while monitoring the effects of Stratus ESG. All
displays capable of showing weather radar should be evaluated.