* This button longlegs the peak hold on and off.
* On the peak hold mode, push the M/M/A button to toggle peak hold max and
min values.
* The beeper sounds when new minimum or maximum values are detected.
* Auto hold is activated when a stable reading is first achieved.
* This button toggles the auto hold mode on and off.
* With auto hold on, the instrument beeps when the reading is updated, the
auto hold reading is displayed on sub-display with
* Changing range escapes.
* Switches to Manual range mode when press this key under Resistance ,
Capacitance and frequency functions.
* 2G
range has no this function.
position has no this function.
4.5 BLUE
* The blue button toggles between dual functions (black or blue) located on the dial.
4.6 M/M/A
* This button toggles the MAX/MIN/AVG .
* When this button is first time pressed, MAX indicator is displayed and the
value displayed on sub-display is the most recent maximum value.
The beeper sounds with each new update.
* Pressing on this key for
2 sec escapes.
4.7 REL
* This function provides subtraction reading on main display from measured
* The value on main display when this key is press stores in memory for
reference of subtraction, then the main display turns to “zero” “
” is on , the
reference is on sub-display. Every reading is subtracted by reference in
memory in this mode.
* Press again to escape.
4.8 Range
* It switches meter auto ranging or manual ranging and range change in
manual range mode.
* Pressing this key for 2 sec turns manual ranging to auto ranging mode.