APF mark 55 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 1

Содержание mark 55

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Страница 2: ...rilh linD EltponenUl1 15 It It till Itl 15 TngOflomelrlt Cak ulllions 16 RaQiafllOlOr Convlltlo 18 Hypertlolic FuncTIons 18 Two V r1 b Functlonl 19 Powllli lin ROlli 19 Pert llage Calcuillions 19 Pola...

Страница 3: ...on lid6nCil O aceuracy_ Enul s or resull cal l be s small uO l x O or Ilrlll as 9 99999999999 10 and elln bedlsplayt d in Illher I elve 12 digit noallng decimal mode or a sckmlilic notallan mode with...

Страница 4: ...ch glng 111 Increase the lIme laquJled to a NIl charge C Ope atlon ConneCllhecharger adapTorlTvpe 15 10 a sourco ot 11G 120volt A C Turn Ihe po switCh TO the 011 posITion and push the chargttrladaplo...

Страница 5: ...the Itey with the de lfed hmc tiotl p mlod above II Also lh lIrll 4 dual lunellon hr tSHIFT OPS INVfSTO HYPiRCl ASTX which de nol requ re touell ng the shill key pl iof to u lng ther lunClk ln Which...

Страница 6: ...6 er lln or r8Mllts wltn a signlld 100lglt manU lIlIllllII I or ootir lgdeclmal poinl ofld 0 slgnfd 2 digit e poner ll NOTE Tile calculalo llulom ICSlly goes IIItO 111_ ael nlillc I Io e Whfn e ull Of...

Страница 7: ...the dlsplayl It Is also uMci during lIrtloW WIll UI IIl rllow see Pf QIIl 21 SHIFTI CIr TOl lCl lIng thIS unction w 1I elt the X Y Z and W r IsI rs NOTE Alll ou gh ft IS not necUHry 001 might be com l...

Страница 8: ...I J O 6 lENT S lENT I 21 I 0 5 3 3 ENTl 3 4 _1 0 75 It 1 1 25 I I 4 8 eumpll 1 10 calculate 6 2 3 Ke Sequ u Displa COl1 lmenlt SHIFT cll O Cle all reoiSl in stack 6 6 Ke IfI III ntll lber SHIP 2 lENT...

Страница 9: ...3 Eum l to e lcul le Hi6 4 4 lll 13 3H _ 23_9_H 13 W I y Saquanca OI I 51ENTI 41Xl 24 41 20 II lENT 18 Em Jl II 5 1 23 IENTj9 t4 18 3 ENnl I1XI 1 5 I I 12 lXI XlO Clear SlICk Ellle 12 to Y reg sle CD...

Страница 10: ...ll 13 Perlorm suclraC t1Ofl SOl decimal to 4 places Calculale v 2a Calcula 35 Add x ar lll y Calculate eclproc 1 2 n er O pl o 6221020800 3 2 31135 0400 Eump to cllcvlate 1 2 to 4 d8l Imal places v fa...

Страница 11: ..._n a _ _ CH _ f_ _1 1 31 _ _ I r l o r _10 L _ _ I oc _ _A d _ _ w lO I 1 I_ _ ltl 1 _o _ _ rjt _ _ _ _ _ _ stonl _OlIl _ _ to r _ QT W rMt _ _IO r __ _ _ 1 _ r o 111 3 1 J Jo 1 11 11 lIlI _ 1 _ __ n...

Страница 12: ...Exlmpll You normally s l1 at 89 96 Mark down by 30 What Is diSGount and sell1ng prICe KIY SequlnCI 89 96 HIT 30 SHIFT f H 1 Y tOO X Y component y componlnl 1 000 1 732 Eumpl Convert poil coordinates...

Страница 13: ...y 1 Key In 20 and Slorll n rre ory 2 ulliply Dr 2 SIOfl I emory Recall memory 1 ReeiJH memory 2 ReclllllTlemory 3 Display 20 ISTOJ 2J 20 2 XI ISTOJ 131 ACt lJ lRet 11 20 ACLI13 Eumple Score II In memo...

Страница 14: ...number 01 employees and Ilw SUf l af their ages Kay SaipI nQ1 Olapfa CoM nte SHIFT dr 0 561 73lr 71II 1 71 9 I 127II 1421 oI 42 321 I28 1 1 211 SHIFTlfii a 1725 X VI 18 31275901111 RClI1 8 RClI9 378 T...

Страница 15: ...nt Is i9 01 99 tMn Ihe reslIll O jlakle Ina Csp bil Ily of lhe Ieulato and adding l00 o l00lto the expo nt will not 01 tne correct anawer uam Calcut t 1001 Ke S que ce Ol pl lOPS INV sci 0 100 100 SHI...

Страница 16: ...1 hampla Whil the 2 rOOIS of th quadratic equillion x C 42 O l tl SOlution U_ X Xl 2 wMre 1 tI c 42 Key s quence Ip e Comlllell1S 111 IIENTJ 1 EnlfJr b I lSHlfT IINV 1 li IIENTJ 1 Calculate Jb 4ae 4 l...

Страница 17: ...ntler 01 enlt i m an squarea k8 Y Seq llCe ISHIfTl elt 4 II I I J Illr 4 r PIE SIUrTj ri s lSTOjl I VI SHIFTJ 11 lJ fiJ 11Itl B lItlll RClll IfffTI Xj I H IRct 1 7 I ISHlfl fij Calwl lle n 1 paymtlf1l...

Страница 18: ...IENn 5 ENT 3 1 67 SHIFT log X 222 nlwer CtJallale S nclSlor on memory 1 C lcu A llll divide by 5 for n C lcul te e Oll divide by S or nl 1It b Dr pl y 0 00 00 13 00 00 00 00 0 02 00 00 165 00 0 29 A...

Страница 19: ...cl lho elect c mlens y bet een t plalli 5 Sallo faA Ie 85 tQ 1l 12 2 wuJ7 I u n C 0 6 1 10 N M Il charge 0 C Vib c oulombs o NewIOR c E EM COUlomb 21 21m w sinh WXIT n I 11 DI Comm ta 0 00 136e59 683...

Страница 20: ...ISHlFT fi 1 1 1386ij5 30 IRCljl IX YIISHIFT 6 J IOPS1 2 Rectilinear Motion e all lpM A tIIll II l Vown upwara wlln Initlll ociry Vo ol40 meten sec_ WhIIlt is the heoghl 5 allhe end 01 2 seconds I 2 h...

Страница 21: ...b c ar _l llbh area ao 1 f nA llcos e lilan 8 WA csc A ale eseA c c secA arC COlA s n A eos A lan A l 1_COlIA sin A A tan A Trigonometry R lalionshlp Belween Sidea and Angles 01 Plane Tnangle Ia w01...

Страница 22: ...ess Bnd Finance Inleresl Compound d A P 1 1 A fulure value P presanl valua 1_lnlerest per period In decimal N number 01 periods PMT payments per period ei payment C Qmfl Annuities l 1 PMT I J Statisti...

Страница 23: ..._c I 3aOIl2l1 10 _ G go G BKlr C vve 11C 1 xIO _ l09S6x 10 U k 0 Biec I Voll I 1oQ 1 c 10 o Ho 0 96 161 10 C 1 31434 It 00 _ 1lo 1lo7 r lxlO H1 M x G ioy ev 10 H MllII m 0 hJ niII r a V 113kx II ll M...

Страница 24: ...Ir O 9111 1 _ 1 4 17 __ 1 1109 bn hr 0 4410 _ 1 0 1 I pc IO 61 43Ir1tt 1 940 ol IIlI llb ft O OI602 gm cm I w ltl _0 SIS4 Fa 1 _Icf nil 10 d MS 0 102ll kg O 2148 III 1 poun l 1Hbl 4 8 M 0 4536 k J2 I1...
