Check Whether The Timing Was Successful
Modify the system time, enter the command
sudo date -s "2018-10-1"
Wait for 2~3s, check the current time, and enter the command
If the display time is: "2018-10-1", it means the timing failed If the display time is: "current time", the timing is successful
If the timing fails, fault troubleshooting shall be carried out
1. Check If The GPS Has Output
Type the command
cat /dev/ttyTHS1
The terminal receives output with a GPRMC field, such as: GPRMC,014600.00,A,2237.496474,N,11356.089515,E,0.0,225.5,310518,2.3,W,A*23
2. Check The OUTPUT of THE GPS PPS Signal
Type the command
hexdump /dev/miivii-sync-in-a
The terminal has hexadecimal data output, such as: 0000400 02fe 9f40 490e 562d 1647 004e 0000 0000
3. Identify Methods
If the above "1"&"2" has no output, indicating that the GPS is not working properly, you can put the GPS out of the window or go outside for
testing, or change the GPS for testing
If the output of "1"&"2" is normal, check whether the MiiVii Setting configuration is in GPS mode. If not, change the mode and restart it
After the above operation, GPS timing is still unsuccessful, enter the command
hexdump /dev/miivii-sync-out
The terminal has hexadecimal data output, such as: 0000400 02fe 9f40 490e 562d 1647 004e 0000 0000
If there is no data output, it may be that there is no matching brush tool and mirror brush. It is recommended to check the mirror and the brush
tool to re-brush