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46" LCD Display Monitor




Содержание DSD46-SW

Страница 1: ...46 য় ᔽ㡆乃 46 LCD Display Monitor DSD46 SW Փ 䁾ᯢ USER S MANUAL ...

Страница 2: ......

Страница 3: ...㐕储Ё 㐕储Ё English English English ...

Страница 4: ......

Страница 5: ...15 ፖߪᖵᜢ Օᕴຑ 16 ፖ PC ق ᕴຑ 16 ഗ ء ᖙ 17 ሽᄭऱ ON ؚ ၲ ࡉ OFF ᣂຨ ᑓ ڤ 17 ሽᄭਐ ق ᗉ 18 ࠌ ش ሽᄭጥ פ ౨ 18 ࠐق ࡳ VIDEO ီ ࠐᄭऱॾᇆ 18 Picture Size 18 Smart Picture Mode ཕᐝ ᑓ ڤ 19 Audio Source Switching ଃ ࠐᄭ ང 19 Control Lock Mode ࠫ ᠙ࡳᑓ ڤ 19 OSD ᘛኟ ق ᇷಛ 19 OSD ᘛኟ ق ࠫ 20 ቹቝ ࡳ 21 ᘛኟ 23 ᜢଃ ࡳ 25 ࡳ 26 ᇡา ࡳ 1 27 ᇡา ࡳ 2 29 ᙇႈ 30 ᎅࣔ 33 ء ᖲ ۥ 35 ਚᎽඈೈ 36 ࢤ౨ ᑇ 38 ...

Страница 6: ...ء խऱᎅࣔᖄી ق ᕴྤऄ إ ൄሎ Δᓮᘬᇬ ݾ Ζ z ླྀႛૻࠠໂઌᚨᇷ ऱࣚ೭Գ ؚ ၲΖ z ᓮ ല ق ᕴᑊ ڇ ၺ٠ՀΔᓮᒔঅ ق ᕴ ᠦ ࠠࢨٚ۶ࠡ ה ᑷᄭΖ z ᓮฝೈٚ۶ ױ ౨ᆵԵຏଅՑऱढٙΔࢨᝩ ق ᕴሽ ᕴٙ ܐ Ζ z ᒔঅᖲླྀՂऱຏଅ ຏዃΖ z ᒔঅ ق ᕴ ᛟΖᓮ ല ق ᕴᑊ ࢨֽॸڇ መ৫ᑪᛘऱᛩቼխΔᝩ ᤛሽΖ z ڕ ຏመឰၲሽᨱࢨऴੌሽᒵऱֱ ڤ ᣂຨ ق ᕴΔᓮ ڇ ຑ ሽᨱࢨऴੌሽᒵΔ א ໂ إ ൄሎ հছ 6 ᤪΖ z ᝩ ᤛሽࢨኙ ໂທ ةګ ՆࢤჾᡏΔᓮ ല ق ᕴᑊ ࢨֽॸڇ መ৫ᑪᛘऱᛩቼխΖ z ᒔࡳ ق ᕴऱ ۯ ᆜழΔᓮᒔঅሽᄭ ᙰࡉ ஆऱ ۯ ᆜ ۖ ߠΖ z ࣹრΚᓮ೭ ڇؘ ᚨ ءش ໂመ խࠌ ش ᘛኟঅᥨ ڤ Ζ ڕ ९ழၴࠌ ش ኙֺ৫ऱᙩኪቹቝΔ ڇ ᘛኟছֱᄎ ڶ ఎቝ ࢨ ྲྀ ቝ Ζ ڼ དྷ ݾ ࡐ ڶ...

Страница 7: ...ऱຍԫᑑಖ ق Δ ᖕጥ ሽ ሽ ข ऱᑛᅩਐ ࢤח ऄ European Directive 2002 96 EG Δ ڼ ข լ౨ ᅝ ཏຏऱ୮அᐒඵढ ه ඵΖ ڶ ຂٚࠩਐࡳऱᐒඵሽ ሽ ໂ گ ႃ ലࠡ ه ඵΖ वຍࠄᐒඵሽ ሽ ข هאױ ඵऱ ֱچ Δ ᓮፖᅝ چ ਙࢌຝ Εᐒඵढ ᖲዌࢨ ၇ข ழऱ ࢋᜤᢀΖ ᐒਐ ח شܓگڃ ऱᄅ ق ᕴխܶ ૹױڶ ᓤ شܓ ऱ ޗ றΖ ፖࢬ ڶ LCDข ԫᑌΔ ء ໂխՈܶ ޤڶ ᗉΔᓮ ᖕ چء ऄ ၞ Ζ ...

Страница 8: ...ᄭၲᣂ ሽᄭၲᣂ ᢽಽ2ଡ 2ଡ ᢽಽ2ଡ Xxxxxxxxxxxx xx xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx ኙ ࠡ چה Δᓮᒔᎁࠌ ش ऱሽᄭᒵፖሽᄭ ஆऱٌੌሽᚘ Δฤ ٽ ᇠഏ ڶ ᣂ ڜ ٤ऄ ऱ ࡳࠀᆖመᎁᢞΖ ױ ല ץ ᇘᒣ ץ ᇘ ޗ றঅఎՀࠐΔ ֲঁא ሎᙁ ق ᕴΖ א Հຝٙ ᙇ ٙ ᆜଃᒣ ᆬ x2 ᢽಽ M4 x 10 x 2 ם ش ሽᄭၲᣂ ᢽಽ M3x5 x 2 ሽᄭၲᣂ ྤᒵ ᕴ AAA ሽ ۃ ሽᄭᒵ ॵᖲ ࠎऱሽᄭᒵ ᖕᔭഇ چ լ ٵ ᄎ ࢬڶ լ ٵ Ζ ...

Страница 9: ...DOWN T ٻ Հ ਊၨΚᅝ OSD ᘛኟ פ ق ౨ ؚ ၲழΔ ٻ ش Հฝ೯ ॽය א ᙇᖗ פ ౨ റூΖᅝ OSD ᘛኟ פ ق ౨ ᣂຨ ழΔ ش ඔ೯ OSD ᘛኟ פ ق ౨ Ζ MENU פ ౨ ਊၨΚᅝ OSD ᘛኟ פ ق ౨ ؚ ၲழΔ ش ಯ ࠩڃ ছԫလ տ Ζᅝ OSD ᘛኟ פ ق ౨ ᣂຨழΔ ش ඔ೯ OSD ᘛኟ פ ق ౨ Ζ Main Power ሽᄭ ၲᣂΚ ؚ ش ၲࢨᣂຨ ሽᄭΖ ᄀ ᕴტᚨ ሽᄭਐ ق ᗉࡉᛩቼ٠ტᚨᕴΚ ش گ ᕴ נ ऱદ ॾᇆΖᅝ ڼ དྷ ق ᕴ ඔ೯णኪழΔሽᄭਐ ق ᗉ ܧ ጸ ۥ Δᅝ ق ᕴሽᄭᣂຨழΔਐ ق ᗉ દ ۥ Ζᅝߓอ ᆏ౨ᑓ ڤ ழΔਐ ق ᗉ ٵ ழ ጸ ࡉۥ દ ۥ Ζᅝ SCHEDULE ֲ פ ౨ၲඔழΔ ጸ ۥ ਐ ق ᗉೂᡩΔદᗉॽΖ ڕ ਐ ق ᗉદᗉೂᡩΔঞ ࣔߓอᛀྒྷࠩԱਚᎽΖ...

Страница 10: ...ॾᇆΖ S VIDEO IN S ጤ ီ ᙁԵຑ ጤ տ Κ4 ಾ MINI DIN ش ᙁԵ S ጤ ီ ॾᇆ Y C ᠦॾᇆ Ζ COMPONENT IN Y Pb Pr ցٙᙁԵጤ Δտ ΚBNC ش ຑ 壆 ڕ DVD ᐾ ᖲΔ 堚ཐᑇ ۯ ሽီࢨᥲ ᐙ ᖲ ໂΖ AC OUT connector ٌੌᙁ נ ຑ ጤ ٌੌᙁԵ ᒵጤ ऱலሁٌੌሽᄭᙁ נ Ζ ᠰࡳଖΚ100 240V ٌੌΔ50 60 Δ3A ՕΖ AC IN connector ٌੌᙁԵຑ ጤ ش ຑ ሽᄭࠎᚨᒵΖ EXTERNAL SPEAKER TERMINAL ᆜཆᜢᕴጤ ش ലൕ AUDIO ଃ ጤ 1Ε2Ε3 ࢨ HDMI ۖࠐऱଃ ॾᇆᙁ נ ᆜཆᜢᕴΖ AUDIO OUT ଃ ᙁ נ ጤ ش ᙁ נ ൕ AUDIO IN ଃ ᙁԵጤ 1Ε2Ε3 ࢨ HDMI խᙁԵऱଃ ॾᇆΖ AUDIO IN ଃ...

Страница 11: ... OSD ᘛኟ פ ق ౨ ؚ ၲழΔ ٻ ش Հฝ೯ ॽය א ᙇᖗ פ ౨ റூΖᅝ խ ᑓ ڤ ழΔ ٻ ش Հฝ೯ Ζ INFO ق ਊၨ ؚ ش ၲ ᣂຨᘛኟ Ղֱऱ ᆜᇷಛ ق Ζ SIZE ق ਊၨ ش ڇ FULL ٤ৠ Ε NORMAL إ ൄ Ε CUSTOM ࡳᆠ Ε DYNAM IC ೯ኪ ࡉ REAL ኔᑓ ڤ ᙇႈխᙇᖗቹቝ ق Ζ VOLUME ଃၦ ਊၨ VOL Ѐ ᏺՕଃၦ ਊၨΚ ش ᏺՕଃ ᙁ ֽנ ᄷ VOL Ϋ ଃၦ ਊၨΚ ش ଃ ᙁ ֽנ ᄷ VIDEO SOURCE ီ ॾᇆࠐᄭ ਊၨ ඔ೯ᙁԵᙇᖗ פ ౨ Δਊ S ࢨ T ᙇᖗ HDMI Ε DVI D Ε VGA Ε COMPONENT Ε S VIDEO ࡉ VIDEO ᙁԵᄭΔ٦ਊ ᆜ ངࠩᙇࡳऱᙁԵᄭΖ AUDIO SOURCE ଃ ॾᇆࠐᄭ ਊၨ ඔ ೯ ଃ ᙇ ᖗ פ ౨ Δ ...

Страница 12: ...ছጤਐ ٻ དྷ ق ᕴՂऱ ტᚨᕴΖ ᓮ ڇ ᠦ དྷ ق ᕴ ტᚨᕴছֱ3 ۏ 10 փΙ ֽ א ᄷߡ ৫ࡉিऴߡ৫30 փΔ ᠦՕપ3 ۏ 10 א փࠌ ش ᕴΖ ᎅࣔΚ ᅝၺ٠ࢨࠡ ה ൎ ऱ٠ᒵᅃ ڇ དྷ ق ᕴՂऱ ტᚨᕴՂΔ ࢨ ᕴፖ ტᚨᕴհၴ ڶ ᎽᡶढழΔ ߓอലլದ ش Ζ ᕴऱࠌ ش ࠩ ࠡח ൎᔼΖ ࠌֽࢨࠡ ה ែԵ ᕴխΖ ڕ ᕴᛘԱΔᓮ ܛم ല ࠡ იΖ ᑊ ᑷࢨ խΖ ೈ ڜ ሽ ۃ Δᓮ ؚ ၲ ᕴΖ ...

Страница 13: ...ΗᚘՀࠀᄶ೯ ؚא ၲሽ ۃ ପ Ζ 2Η ᖕሽ ۃ ପփऱ ᄕࢤਐ ڜق ሽ ۃ Ζ 3Η ۯ ሽ ۃ ପ Ζ ᤞ ܫ Κ ሽ شࠌۃ լ إ ᒔ౨ᖄીਜ਼ዥࢨᡨ੦Ζᓮ ࣹࠡრ א ՀࠃႈΚ ڜ AAA ሽ ۃ ழΔ ޢ ᆏሽ ۃ Ղऱ ᄕࢤᑑಖᚨፖሽ ۃ ପ փऱ ᄕࢤᑑಖઌฤΖ ᓮ ش լ ش ᣊীऱሽ ۃ Ζ ᓮ ലᄅሽ ۃ ፖ ش መऱ ሽ شࠌۃ Ζຍᑌ ᄎᜍ ሽ ۃ ኂࡎࢨ ᖄીሽ ۃ ਜ਼ዥΖ ᚨലሽၦ ጐऱሽ נ ܛمۃ Δ א ሽ ۃ ਜ਼ዥၞሽ ۃ ପխΖ ᓮ ᤛᅸੌ נ ऱሽ ۃ Ꭸ Δ ᄎჾ୭ ऱ ؼ ᓅΖ ᎅࣔΚ ڕ ९ཚլࠌ ش ᕴΔᓮലሽ נ ۃ Ζ 3Ηፖ ຝ ໂຑ অᥨ ຑ ऱ ໂΔ ڇ ၞ ຑ ছΔᓮ٣ᣂຨ ሽᄭΖ ᓮ ᔹϘ ױ ຑ ࢤϙԫᆏ ร18 22 ᛵᇞᖙ ֱ ऄΖ 4Ηຑ ሽᄭᒵ ᙁ נ ሽᄭऱ ஆᚨጐ ױ ౨ፖᇠ ໂ २ ڜ ᇘΔࠀֱঁࠌ ش Ζ...

Страница 14: ...0Η৬ᤜၞ ऱᓳᆏ נ ϘቹቝྲྀఎϙயᚨऱଅᙠΔ ᖕࢬ ࠩش ऱᚨ ش ႈ ؾ Δኙ א Հႈ ؾ ၞ ᓳᆏΖ POWER SAVE ઊሽᑓ ڤ Ε SCREEN SAVER ᘛኟঅᥨᑓ ڤ Ε DATE AND TIME ֲཚፖழၴ Ζ 11Η ַ ሽᄭၲᣂणኪ ޏ ַ ױ ౨ נ ऱྤრխਊՀ ሽᄭၲᣂΔᓮല ሽᄭၲᣂ ॵٙ ᇘՂΖ ᎅࣔΚ ᅝ ሽᄭၲᣂ ᇘࠩ ۯ ழΔ ሽᄭྤऄ ᣂຨΖᅝ ᣂຨ ق ᕴழ٦ല ሽᄭၲᣂ ஞၲΖ ᝅಽ ሽᄭၲᣂ ...

Страница 15: ...10 㐕储Ё ሽီᛥ ૠਐত ၴᎼਢ Աᝩ ࣨ ၴऴ ᤛࢬข س ऱᚘԺ ...

Страница 16: ...Ηᓮലঅᥨᓂ ڼ ᓂ ץڇ ᇘ ڼ དྷ ق ᕴழ ץ ࠡ ࡌ ᦝ ԫ ோ ՂΔቾ ڼ དྷ ق ᕴՀֱΔ ࠪ א क़ᘛኟΖ 2Ηૉྤᔞᅝ ݙ ᖞऱ ڜ ᇘ ٙΔ ء ໂྤऄ ڜ ᇘ ء ٙ ץ խլ ࠎ ڜ ᇘ ٙ Ζᓮᒔঅ ᕻ ڜ ᇘࢬᏁऱ ٙբᄷໂ ݔ ᅝΖ 3Ηᙅ ᙟ ڜ ᇘ ٙࢬॵऱ ڜ ᇘᎅࣔΔլᙅ إ ᒔऱ ڜ ᇘ ޡ ᨏΔലᄎᖄી ໂ ჾࢨ ڜࢨ ش ᇘृ Ζ ء ข ऱঅଥࠀլ ط լ إ ᒔ ऱ ڜ ᇘۖᖄીऱჾ୭Ζ 4Η400 x 200ශ ݮۏ ण ش M6 ڜ ᇘᝅಽ ֺ ڜ ᇘ ਮऱদ৫९10mm Δല ᛥ ڜ ᇘ ٙ ށ ጹ ৬ᤜ ށ ఢΚ470 635N cm 5Η ਮ ؘ ႊࡐࡳ ֽࣽࢨֵᔆᛥ ᇠᛥ ؘ ႊ ࢭאױ 90ֆְऱࢮԺΖ ᤞ ܫ Κ ַ ق ᕴၓᆵΔᓮࣹრ א Հ រΚ y ࠌ ش റࠎᛥ ࢨ क़ࣨ ڜ ᇘऱ८᥆ ਮ ؑ ڶ ഇ ࠐ ڜ ᇘ ق ڼ...

Страница 17: ...12 㐕储Ё ױ ຑ ࢤ ڇ ၞ ຑ հছΚ ଈ٣ᣂൾࢬ ڶ ຑ ໂऱሽᄭࠀၞ ຑ Ζ ᔹ ٺ ଡ ໂऱ ם ش Ζ ຑ ቹ ...

Страница 18: ...ᕴࠩଡԳሽᆰՂழΔࠌ ش ԫ VGAॾᇆᒵ 15ಾmini D sub 15ಾmini D subΔؑ ڶ ഇ ൕԫ དྷ ق ᕴऱVGA OUT VGAॾᇆᙁ נ ጤ ፖ ԫ ق ᕴऱVGA INຑ ጤຑ ದࠐΖ شࠌאױ RCAᒵຑ AUDIO IN 1Ε2Ε3ࢨHDMIጤ ലࠡ ଃ ᙁԵጤΖᙇᖗࠡխԫଡAUDIO IN ଃ ᙁԵጤ Δ ᝫᏁ ࠌ ش ᕴՂऱAUDIO SOURCE ଃ ॾᇆࠐᄭ ਊၨࠐᙇᖗઌᚨऱAUDIO 1Ε2Ε3ࢨHDMIጤ Ζ ڶ ᅝHDMIࢨDVI Dጤ ᙇᖗ ီ ᙁ ԵΖ ᅝԫ א Ղऱ དྷ ق ᕴ ຑ ࠩଡԳሽᆰՂழΔࠌ ش RCAᒵല དྷ ق ᕴऱAUDIO OUT ଃ ᙁ נ ጤ ፖࠡ ق ה ᕴ ऱAUDIO IN ଃ ᙁԵ 1Ε2Ε3ጤ ຑ ΖHDMI ڤ ऱᙁԵլᔞ ش ຍጟൣउΖ ...

Страница 19: ...ΕDVI Dຑ ጤ ױ HDMIຑ ᒵΖ HDMIፖDVI D ױ 壆 ڕ DVDᐾ ᖲऱHDMIᙁ ࢨנ PCऱDVI Dᙁ נ ऱHDMIီ ॾᇆΖ অᢞ ق ᔆΔᓮࠌ ش ฤ ٽ DVI ᔆᑑᄷऱॾᇆᒵΖ אױ ᙇᖗAUDIO IN ଃ ᙁԵ ຑ ጤ 1Ε2Ε3ࢨHDMIຑ ጤ ࠐ گ ଃ ॾᇆΖࠌ ش ᕴՂऱAUDIO SOURCE ଃ ࠐᄭ ਊၨࠐ ᙇᖗAUDIO IN ଃ ᙁԵ ຑ ጤ 1Ε2Ε3ࢨHDMIຑ ጤ Ζ ڶ ᅝᙇխऱီ ᙁԵጤ HDMIࢨDVI Dီ ᙁԵጤ թਢ ױ ᙇऱΖ ൕHDMI DVI Dຑ ጤࠐऱॾᇆྤऄᙁ ࠩנ VGA OUT VGAᙁ נ ຑ ጤΖ ...

Страница 20: ...YΕPbΕPr Δ ԫଡጤՂࠌ ش RCA ᒵጤ Ζ ࠟڕ ጤ ౨ᚨ ش RCAຑ ጤ Δ شࠌױ ڶ ऱBNC RCAऱ ངᕴΖ DVDᐾ ᖲ YΕPbΕPr Out ࡉ དྷ ق ᕴ ցٙ Ζ شࠌڕ ᗑऱॾᇆ YΕPbΕPr RCAሽᨱΔঞᏁࠌ ش BNC RCAᔞ ᕴ բ ڇ ٙխ ലBNCຑ ጤ ང BNCຑ ጤ Ζ ڕ ऱDVDᐾ ᖲ གHDMIॾᇆΔࠌ ش HDMIտ HDMIտ ऱॾᇆᒵΖ AUDIO IN ଃ ᙁԵጤ 2 Ε3 RCAտ شױ ଃ ᙁԵጤΖࠌ ش ᕴՂऱAUDIO SOURCE ଃ ᙁԵࠐᄭ ਊၨࠐᙇᖗ ش ᙁԵጤऱਢ AUDIO 1 ࠎ 3 5ӽۘᖲ ᙰࠌ ش Δ AUDIO 2 Ε AUDIO 3 ࢨ HDMI Ζ ڶ ᅝᙇխऱီ ᙁԵጤ HDMIࢨDVI D ழᙁԵጤ թਢ ױ ᙇऱΖ ...

Страница 21: ... ᒵ ᜢሐࡉ ᜢሐ ࠐ Օᕴ ଃ ᙁԵጤ ࡉ དྷ ق ᕴ ଃ ᙁ נ ጤ հၴऱຑ Ζ ᓮ ലଃ ॾᇆऱleft ؐ ஆࡉright ஆ ݫ Ζ ᛧ ᚌᔆऱଃ ॾᇆΔࠌ ش ᕴՂऱAUDIO SOURCE ଃ ᙁԵࠐᄭ ਊၨᙇᖗ AUIDO1 Ε AUDIO2 Ε AUDIO3 ࢨ HDMI ጤ Ζ ڶ ᅝᙇխऱီ ᙁԵጤ HDMIࢨDVI DழᙁԵጤ թਢ ױ ᙇऱΖ AUDIO OUT ଃ ᙁ נ RCAຑ ጤലࠐ ࢬᙇᖗଃ ᙁԵࠐᄭऱᜢଃॾᇆᙁ נ Ζ ፖ PC ق ᕴຑ ق ᕴࢍ ቃఎ ڜױڶ ᇘ ী ሽᆰࢨᖲືฏऱ ၴΖ ױ ലሽᆰፖLCD ق ᕴઌຑΖ100 x 200ශ ݮۏ णᓮආ ش M4 ڜ ᇘᝅಽ ࡳࡐױܛ ሽᆰΖ ...

Страница 22: ... ؚ ၲழਢጸ ۥ ऱΔሽᄭၲᣂᣂຨழਢદ ۥ ऱΖ אױ ຏመ א ՀԿጟֱ ؚڤ ၲࢨᣂຨ ق ᕴऱሽᄭΚ 1ΗਊՀ ሽᄭၲᣂΖ ᎅࣔΚ ᅝࠌ ڼ དྷ ق ᕴऱ ሽᄭၲᣂբᆖឰၲழΔ ᕴΕሽᄭၲᣂਊ ၨࡉሽᄭਐ ق ᗉ լ٦ದ ش Ζ ڼڂ Δ ࠟ شࠌڇ ጟֱऄၲᖲছΔ ᚨଈ٣ᒔᎁ ሽᄭၲᣂբᆖ ؚ ၲΖ 2ΗਊՀሽᄭਊၨ ᎅࣔΚ ڇ ᖙ ᕴছΔᓮᒔᎁ དྷ ق ᕴՂऱ ሽᄭၲᣂբ ؚ ၲΖ 3Ηࠌ ش ᕴ ᎅࣔΚ ڇ ਊՀሽᄭਊၨছΔᓮᒔᎁ དྷ ق ᕴՂऱ ሽᄭၲᣂբ ؚ ၲΖ ሽᄭၲᣂ ሽᄭၲᣂਊၨ ...

Страница 23: ...ਊၨࠐ ࡳီ ॾᇆࠐᄭΖ ᖕ ऱီ ڤ Δࠌ ش COLOR SYSTEM ᠱ ߓۥ อ פ ౨ ࠐ ࡳ AUTO ೯ᙃܑ Ε NTSC Ε PAL Ε SECAM Ε PAL60 Ε 4 43NTSC Ζ Picture Size HDMIΕDVI DΕVGA ٤ৠ إ ൄ CUSTOM ኔᎾ COMPONENTΕVIDEO ٤ৠ إ ൄ ೯ኪ ኔᎾ CUSTOM ॾᇆᣊী إ ൄ ৬ᤜ NORMAL إ ൄ 4 3 DYNAMIC ೯ኪ ᚘᜍ FULL ٤ৠ NORMAL ཏຏᑓ ڤ ΚਊࢬᙁԵऱଡԳሽᆰॾᇆऱ ֺࠏ ق Δࢨ א 4Κ3 ऱ९ᐈֺࠐ ق ցٙࢨီ ॾᇆΖ FULL ٤ৠ א ᖞଡᘛኟ ق Ζ DYNAMIC ೯ኪ Κॺᒵࢤ ۼ ९ᐈֺ 4Κ3 ऱ Δࠌࠡ የᖞଡᘛኟΖ ڕ ቹΔਬࠄႽ ݮ ቹூᄎ ೪ װ CUSTOM ZOOM ࡳ ش ᆠ ྡྷ Κቹቝല Օ መ ױ ኔ...

Страница 24: ... ᖙ ਊၨլ౨ࠌ ش Δ ࠌא բᓳᆏ ړ ऱ ٺ ጟ ᑇ ڇ վ ਊՀᖙ ਊၨழլᄎ ޏ Ζ ࠌ ٺ ਊၨլ౨ࠌ ش Δ ٵ ழਊՀSࡉTਊၨࠀঅ 3ઞᤪΖ ࠌ ٺ ਊၨ س யΔ ױ ٦ ٵڻ ழਊՀSࡉTਊၨࠀঅ 3ઞᤪΖ OSD ᘛኟ ق ᇷಛ HDMIΕVGA VGA 1024 x 768 48kHz 60Hz AUDIO 1 SIZE FULL ီ ॾᇆࠐᄭ ᙁԵॾᇆᇷಛ ଃ ॾᇆࠐᄭ COMPONENT COMPONENT 720P AUDIO 2 SIZE FULL ီ ॾᇆࠐᄭ ଃ ॾᇆࠐᄭ S VIDEOΕVIDEO S VIDEO NTSC AUDIO 3 SIZE NORMAL ီ ॾᇆࠐᄭ ᙁԵॾᇆᠱ ڤࠫۥ ଃ ॾᇆࠐᄭ PIP խ ࢨ POP ໂΚVGA ໂΚS VIDEO VGA 1024 x 768 48kHz 60Hz AUDIO 1 S VIDEO N...

Страница 25: ...א ᙇ ᖗΖ ਊՀENTER ᒔࡳ ਊၨ ࠌא ࡳଖ س யΖ ਊՀSOURCE ॾᇆ ᄭ ਊၨ ࠌא ࡳଖ س ய ਊՀUP ٻ Ղ ࢨ DOWN ٻ Հ Ε א LEFTΰؐαࢨRIGHT ਊၨΔ א ᙇᖗ פ ౨ࢨਢᓳᆏ ࡳଖΖਊՀENTER ᒔࡳ ਊၨ ࠌא ࡳଖ س யΖ ਊՀUP ٻ Ղ ࢨ DOWN ٻ Հ Ε א ࢨ ਊၨΔ א ᙇᖗ פ ౨ࢨਢᓳᆏ ࡳଖΖ ਊՀENTER ᒔࡳ ਊၨ ࠌא ࡳଖ س யΖ ਊՀMENU လ ࢨEXIT ಯ נ ਊၨಯ נ Ζ ਊ Հ MENU ਊ ၨ א ಯ נ Ζ UPࢨDOWNਊၨ SOURCE ॾᇆᄭ ਊၨ ਊၨ EXIT ಯ נ ਊၨ OSD ᘛኟ ق ᘛኟ ...

Страница 26: ...شܓױ ᑇ ۯ ց ֱ ࠌڤ ቹቝᙟழঅ ធࣔΖ ᇠ פ ౨ऱ ᑇ אױ ᖕ ऱ אףړ ᓳᆏΔ א ࠩ堚ཐऱቹቝࢨਢਫࡉऱቹቝΔࠀ ױ ಾኙ ٺ ᑓ ڤ ᗑ ࡳΖ ਊՀُਊၨ א ᏺՕᔲ৫ ਊՀٙਊၨ א ᔲ৫ ႕ሽؓ ᓳᆏቹቝऱહᐙॽ৫ ਊՀُਊၨ א ᏺՕ႕ ۥ ሽؓ ਊՀٙਊၨ א ႕ ۥ ሽؓ ᕳ ᓳᆏᕳଃ ֽᄷΖ ਊՀُਊၨ א ᏺՕ႕ ۥ ሽؓ ਊՀ ٙ ਊၨ א ႕ ۥ ሽؓ ۥ 堷ࡉ Κ ڇ ᙁԵॾᇆ HDMI HDMI INPUT MODE HD ΕCOMPONENTΕS VIDEOΕVIDEOழ شױ ᓳᆏᘛኟऱ ۥ ᓳΖ ਊՀُਊၨΔۚ ۥ ᓳലཛጸ ٻֱۥ Ζ ਊՀ ٙਊၨΔۚ ۥ ᓳലཛ ٻֱۥ Ζ ...

Страница 27: ...ᄵ ۥ ᄵᏺՕழቹቝ ೣદΔ ۥ ᄵ ழቹቝ ೣ ۥ ࠫ દΕጸΕ ᠱ ۥ ऱֽᄷ شױ ᠱ ۥ ᓳᆏ אףࠐޝޞ ᓳᆏΖ RΚદ ۥ ΔGΚጸ ۥ ΔBΚ ۥ ٠ტᚨ ᙇᖗϘၲඔϙ ױ ඔ೯ᛩቼ٠ტྒྷᕴΖᅝᛩቼ٠ข س ழΔቹቝॽ৫ᄎ ೯ᓳᖞΖ DYNAMIC CONTRAST ೯ኪኙֺ ᙇᖗ ON ၲඔ Δඔ೯೯ኪኙֺΖ פڼ ౨ ױ ቹቝऱኙֺ৫Ζ ቹቝૹࡳ ᙇᖗScreen reset ૹࡳ ᨃ ૹױ ᄅ ࡳࢬ ڶ ऱ ڶ ᣂPICTURE setting ቹቝ ࡳ ऱOSD ᘛ ኟ ق ࡳ ᑇΖ ᙇᖗ Yes ਢ ࠀਊՀ ENTER ᒔࡳ ਊၨ ױ נ ᐗ ࡳΖ ਊՀ EXIT ಯ נ ਊၨ א ࠀಯ ࠩڃ ছԫ လ Ζ ...

Страница 28: ...EAL ኔᎾ Ζ ႛૻᙁԵHDMIΕDVI DΕVGA ࠎױ ᙇᖗऱᙇႈ ڶ FULL ٤ৠ Ε NORMAL إ ൄ Ε DYNAMIC ೯ኪ CUSTOM ࡳ ᆠ ࡉ REAL ኔᎾ ႛૻᙁԵCOMPONENTΕS VIDEOΕVIDEO ᙇᖗ DYNAMIC ೯ኪ ലᄎࠌᘛኟ ق ڇ ٤ནቹቝழΔխၴऱቹቝփ ឩՕΔ נ ᘛኟ ق ᒤ ऱփ ط ޏ ቹቝឩՕΔቹቝऱືຝࡉࢍຝല ڶ ຝ ೪ൾΖ ᅝᙁԵॾᇆ HDTVழΔ DYNAMIC ೯ኪ Հऱቹቝፖ FULL ٤ৠ ቹቝ ݙ ٤ԫᑌΖ ᙇᖗ REAL ኔᎾ ᑓ ڤ Δቹቝല א 1Κ1ቹցऱֺࠏ ق Ζ CUSTOM ZOOM ᅝᘛኟ ZOOM ྡྷ ᑓ ڤ ழΔ ڕ ᙇᖗ CUSTOM ࡳᆠ ᙇႈΔCUSTOM ZOOM ش ࡳᆠ ྡྷ פ ౨ ܛ ᙇխΖ ࠠ ྡྷ פ ౨Κ ٵױ ழឩՕֽᄷࡉিऴ Ζ HZOOM ֽᄷ ྡྷ Κ ឩՕ...

Страница 29: ...24 㐕储Ё ૹࡳ ᙇᖗ Audio reset ଃᔆ ۯ ᨃ ૹױ ᄅ ࡳࢬ ڶ ऱ ڶ ᣂ AUDIO setting ଃᔆ ࡳ ऱOSD ᘛኟ ق ࡳ ᑇΖ ᙇᖗ Yes ਢ ࠀਊՀ ENTER ᒔࡳ ਊၨ ױ נ ᐗ ࡳΖ ਊՀ EXIT ಯ נ ਊၨ א ࠀಯ ࠩڃ ছԫ လ Ζ ...

Страница 30: ...ᖵᜢؐฝΖ ଃ פڼ ౨ ױ ᓳ ࢨ ଃΖ ਊՀُਊၨ א ᏺ ף ଃΖ ਊՀٙਊၨ א ଃΖ ଃ פڼ ౨ ױ ᓳ ࢨ ଃΖ ਊՀُਊၨ א ᏺ ף ଃΖ ਊՀٙਊၨ א ଃΖ ཆᜢᕴ פڼ ౨ ױ փຝࢨ ຝཆᜢᕴΖ រᚰُࢨٙਊၨኔ փ ຝཆᜢᕴऱ ངΖ ᜢଃ ۯ ᙇᖗScreen reset ૹࡳ ᨃ ૹױ ᄅ ࡳࢬ ڶ ऱ ڶ ᣂPICTURE setting ቹቝ ࡳ ऱOSD ᘛኟ ق ࡳ ᑇΖ ᙇᖗ YES ਢ ࠀਊՀ ENTER ᒔࡳ ਊၨ ױܛ נ ᐗቃ ଖΖ ਊՀ EXIT ಯ נ ਊၨ א ࠀಯ ࠩڃ ছԫ လ Ζ ...

Страница 31: ... Ζ ࠎױ ᙇᖗऱᙇႈ ڶ Large Օ Ε Middle խ ࡉ Small Ζ ᜢଃ ᙇᖗ ڇ խ ᑓ ڤ ՀᜢଃऱࠐᄭΖ ڕ ᙇᖗ MAIN AUDIO ଃ Δᦫࠩऱᜢଃਢ ऱᜢଃΖ ڕ ᙇᖗ PIP AUDIO խ ଃ Δ ലᦫࠩऱਢ խ ऱଃ Ζ ᙩַ ૹࡳ ᙇᖗPIP reset խ ۯ ᨃ ૹױ ᄅ ࡳࢬ ڶ ऱ ڶ ᣂPIP setting խ ࡳ ऱOSD ᘛኟ ق ࡳ ᑇΖ ᙇᖗ Yes ਢ ࠀਊՀ ENTER ᒔࡳ ਊၨ ױ נ ᐗ ࡳΖ ਊՀ EXIT ಯ נ ਊၨ א ࠀಯ ࠩڃ ছԫ လ Ζ ...

Страница 32: ...MPONENTࡉVIDEOጤ װ ᙁԵॾᇆ ழՕપ10 ᤪലၞԵ ሽᄭጥ ᑓ ڤ Ζ ߢᙇᖗ OSD ᘛኟ ق ࠫ פ ౨ ڶ 9ጟ ߢ ࠎױ ᙇᖗΖ Δᐚ Δऄ ΔᆠՕ ܓ Δ Δंᥞ ΔՒۘࠡ Δ Δ១ խ ᘛኟঅᥨ ᙇᖗ ᘛኟঅᥨ פ ౨ א ቹቝྲྀఎயᚨ ऱଅᙠΖ ܐ থଅ Κ ᙇࡳϘ ೯ϙᙇႈΔ ܐ থଅ ᄎ ᖕ ق ᕴऱᄵ৫ ೯ሎ Ζ ڕ ᙇࡳϘၲඔϙᙇ ႈΔঞ ܐ থଅ ᄎԫऴሎ Ζ ॽ৫Κ ᅝᙇᖗ ΔխΔ ழΔॽ৫ലᄎ Ζ ೯ Κቹቝലᄎ პឩՕΔࠀࡳཚ ٻ ଡֱ ٻ ՂՀؐ ฝ೯Ζ Ꮑ ࡳฝ೯ऱழၴ ฝ೯ऱᒤ Օપਢ ࠐ ۯ ᆜऱ 5ቹցΖ ᓮല壆 ڗ ڕ փ ૹ ᇷಛᆜ ৠঅቹூ ᗨ90 ऱᒤ փΖ ۥ ߓอ Κ ڇ ᙁԵॾᇆ S VIDEOΕAV شױ ᖕ ऱီ ᙁԵ ڤ ᙇᖗᠱ ߓۥ อΖ AUTO ೯ᙇᖗ Κ ױ ೯ᙇᖗNTSCΕPALΕSECAMΕPAL60ࢨ4...

Страница 33: ...ࠀਊՀ ENTER ᒔࡳ ਊၨ ױ נ ᐗ ࡳΖ ਊՀ EXIT ಯ נ ਊၨ א ࠀಯ ࠩڃ ছԫ လ Ζ ٤ຝૹࡳ ᙇᖗ YES ਢ ࠌ אױ ലPICTURE ΕSCREEN ᘛኟ ΕAUDIO ଃ ΕCONFIGURATION1 2 ᇡา ࡳ1Δ2 ADVANCED OPTION ᙇႈ ૹࡳ נ ᐗ ࡳଖΖ ೈLANGUAGE ߢ Ε DATE TIME ֲཚ ழၴ ࡉ SCHEDULE ֲ פ ౨ Ζ ᙇᖗ YES ਢ ࠀਊՀ ENTER ᆜ ਊၨ ױ נ ᐗቃ ଖΖਊՀ EXIT ಯ נ ਊၨ ױ ࠀಯ ࠩڃ ছԫလ Ζ ...

Страница 34: ...ق ࠫ פ ౨ Ζቃ ऱᙇᖗႈ տ 5 120ઞΖ ॾஒOSD ᙇᖗᏁ ྤࢨق Ꮑ ق ऱOSDᇷಛΖ ڕ ᙁԵॾᇆ ޏࢬڶ Εࢨᄭॾᇆ נृࢨ ޏࢬڶ 壆 ॾྤڕ ᇆࢨॾᇆլ ڇ ᒤ փ ᤞܫ ᇷಛழΔ ق OSDᇷಛΖ ࠎױ ᙇᖗऱழၴտ 1ઞࠩ10ઞհၴΖ ᣂᖲૠழᕴ ڇ OFF TIMER ᣂᖲૠழᕴ פ ౨ խΔ אױ ቃ ق ᕴ ೯ᣂᖲΖ ࠎױ ᙇᖗऱழၴտ 1 ழࠩ24 ழհၴΖ OFF TIMER ᣂᖲૠழᕴ ԫᆖ ࡳΔSCHEDULE ֲ פ ౨ ࡳ פ ౨ല ฃΖ OSDֽᄷ ۯ ᆜ ش ᓳᆏᘛኟ פق ౨ ऱিऴ ۯ ᆜΖ OSDিऴ ۯ ᆜ ش ᓳᆏᘛኟ פق ౨ ऱֽᄷ ۯ ᆜΖ ق ᕴᇷಛ ق ऱ ق ᕴऱীᇆࡉ ݧ ٨ᇆΖ ...

Страница 35: ... Black level ႕ ۥ ሽؓ ᓳᆏ ᔞխֽᄷΖ ۺ ᙇᖗ ش ᙇᖗ ق ᕴऱgammaଖΖ ڼ ଖ ॾᇆᙁԵऱॽ৫ ڴ ᒵΖ 2 2 2 4 S gamma Native ൿ ᑓ ڤ Κ ڇ ᙁԵॾᇆ HDMIΕDVI D MODE HD ΕS VIDEOΕVIDEOழ شױ ޏ ش ቹቝऱ ق OVERSCANΚ መൿ ࡳ ቹቝ ق 95 Ζ UNDERSCANΚ ֶൿ ࡳ ቹቝ ق 100 Ζ IP ང Κ ڇ ᙁԵॾᇆ HDMIΕDVI D MODE HD ΕS VIDEOΕVIDEOழ شױ ش ᙇᖗIP ሶ ࠩດ ང פ ౨Ζ PROGRESSIVEΚ ດ ؚ ၲIP ሶ ࠩດ ང פ ౨Δലሶ ॾᇆ ང ດ ॾᇆΖຏൄࠌ ش ຍԫ ࡳଖΖ INTERLACE ሶ ΚᣂຨIP ሶ ࠩດ ང פ ౨Ζ ᎅࣔΚຍԫᑓ ޓڤ ᔞ ሎ೯ऱቹቝΔ ᄎᏺ ף ቹቝዩఎऱᖲ Ζ ሽᐙ...

Страница 36: ...ԫ ࢤ ױ ዌ৬ ڍط ሒ25 ق ᕴิ ګ ऱ ଡՕᘛኟΖ ຍԫ פ ౨ ױ ലቹቝ ڍ ሒ5 ࡉ5٨Ζ ຍԫ פ ౨ ޣ ലଡԳሽᆰऱᙁ ॾנ ᇆຏመॾᇆ ᕴ墅Ե ق ٺ ᕴխΖ H MONITORS ق ᕴ٨ᑇ Κ ش ᙇᖗֽᄷ ق ᕴ٨ᑇΖ V MONITORS ق ᕴ ᑇ Κ ش ᙇᖗিऴ ق ᕴ ᑇΖ POSITION ۯ ᆜ Κᙇᖗឩ ᘛኟऱ ۯ ᆜΖ FRAME COMP ᇖᚍ פ ౨ ΚፖTILING ሽီᛥ פ ౨ ٥ ٵ ՠ Δኙዌ ګ ሽီᛥ ऱ ق ᕴ ׂر ᢰ ᐈ৫ נ ᇖᚍΔ א ᄷᒔ ق چ ቹቝΖ ENABLE ؚ ၲ Κᙇᖗ YES ਢ Δ ق ᕴലឩ ࢬᙇᖗऱ ۯ ᆜΖ ᅝ TILING ሽီᛥ פ ౨ ඔ೯ழΔPIP խ פ ౨ ࡉ STILL ቹቝᙩַ פ ౨ ലլ౨ࠌ ش Ζ ᑷणኪ DisclamerΚᑷტྒྷᕴ ਐ ق ী ᑷणኪ פ ౨ᒔঅԱ...

Страница 37: ... ᙇႈૹࡳ Δ ױ א ലOSD ᘛኟ ق פ ౨ խ ڶ ᣂ ADVANCED OPTION ᙇႈ ऱࢬ ڶ ऱ ࡳଖ ۯ ΔGAMMA SELECTION GAMMAଖᙇᖗ Ε DATE AND TIME ֲཚፖழၴ ΕSCHEDULE ֲ ΕHDMI INPUT MODE HDMIᙁԵᑓ ڤ ΕDVI D INPUT MODE DVI D ᙁԵᑓ ڤ ΕMONITOR ID ق ᕴID ࡉDDC CIೈ Ζ ᙇᖗ Yes ਢ ࠀਊՀ ENTER ᒔࡳ ਊၨ ױ נ ᐗ ࡳΖ ਊՀ EXIT ಯ נ ਊၨ א ࠀಯ ࠩڃ ছԫ လ Ζ ᅝ ڇ PICTURE פ ౨ ႈՀച PICTURE RESET ቹቝૹࡳ ᖙ ழΔGAMMA SELECTION GAMMAଖᙇ ᖗ ല ۯ Ζ ...

Страница 38: ... լ ऱቹቝழၴለ९ழΔ৬ᤜඔ೯೯ פ ౨Δࡳཚࠌቹቝ ଡֱ ٻ ฝ೯Ζ 3Ηᅝ ق ᕴլ ش ழΔᚨຏመ ᕴΔ ق ᕴऱሽᄭጥ פ ౨ Power Management Function ࢨֲ פ ౨ Schedule Function ᣂຨ ق ᕴΖ 4Ηለ ऱᛩቼᄵ৫ ױ ९ ق ᕴऱኂࡎΖ ᅝ དྷ ق ኟऱ ᇘ ڶ ੲᑿࢨ ׇ ෮ ഗ ڶ ᖲੲᑿ অᥨৠழΔࢨ ᇘԵᒣ ԵᛥփΔࢨല ق ᕴഔᗨದࠐழΔᓮඔ ق ش ᕴփऱᄵ ৫ტྒྷᕴΖ ᛩቼऱᄵ৫Δᚨຏመࠌ ش ৠঅ פ ౨ࠐࠌ ق ᕴ ॽ ৫णኪࠀࠌ ܐ থଅ ᙇႈ ON ؚ ၲ ऱ ۯ ᆜΖ 5Ηᓮࠌ ق ش ᕴऱ ৠঅᑓ ڤ Screen Saver Mode Ζ ᎅࣔ2Κ ڕ ۶ ࡳֲ ຏመࠌ ش SCHEDULE ֲ פ ౨ Δ אױ ۶ழඔ೯ ء དྷ ق ᕴ ࡳԮଡլ ٵ ऱֲ ழၴ ڜ ඈΖ אױ ࡳ ق ᕴऱၲᖲழၴ...

Страница 39: ... ᕴᑓ ڤ ق ᕴ PRIMARY Δࠡ ق ה ᕴऱ ᕴᑓ ڤ ൕ ق ᕴ SECONDARY Ζ 3Ηᅝ ނ ᕴኙᄷ ق ᕴऱ ॾᇆტྒྷᕴࠀਊՀ ᕴՂऱDISPLAY ق ਊၨழΔᘛኟऱؐՂֱല נ ق ᕴIDᙇᖗऱOSD ᘛኟ פ ق ౨ Ζ ᅝছᨠ ऱ ق ᕴऱIDᇆ ຏመࠌ ش ᕴՂऱُ ਊၨࠐᙇᖗ უ ࠫऱ ق ᕴऱIDᇆΖ უ ࠫऱ ق ᕴऱIDᇆ ࠡ ق ᘛኟऱؐՂֱΖ ڕ ᙇᖗALL ࢬ ڶ Δ ല אױ ࠫࢬ ڶ ऱຍࠄ ڍ ຑ ऱ ق ᕴΖ 4Ηല ᕴኙᄷ ق ᕴऱ ॾᇆტྒྷᕴΖࠠ ڶ ࢬᙇᖗऱIDᇆऱ ق ᕴᘛኟՂല נ OSD ᘛኟ פ ق ౨ Ζ ᎅࣔΚ ᅝ ق ᕴՂ נق ID ᇆᙇᖗOSD ᘛኟ פ ق ౨ ழΔ٦ ڻ ਊՀ ᕴՂऱDISPLAY ق ਊၨ ױ ID ᇆᙇᖗOSD ᘛኟ פ ق ౨ Δྥ ױܛ ࠫ ࢬᙇᖗऱ ق ᕴΖ ق Κ ڕ ᙑᎄ ࡳԱ ...

Страница 40: ... ᤜΔ אش ᅝᏁ ၞ ጤ ࠫࢨ ᆜ ق ᕴလ ழࠌ ش Ζʳ ཕ౨ Ց Օ ڍ ᑇֆ٥ሽ ᑑྨຟࡉሽᆰઌຑΔຍ ڇ ᏺ ף Աᑑྨ ق ऱ ৫ऱ ٵ ழΔ ᝫᏁ ՕၦऱሽᨱΖ ء ᘛኟ ླྀሉ ڶ ཕᐝ ՑΔ אױ Ե ڍ റᄐऱ ীሽᆰΖ ڼ Δ ᝫ ࠎԱ யሽᨱጥ ࢬᏁऱ ૠΖ ཕ౨ᆏሽ ߓอ אױ ࠫࠀቃ હ٠ൎ৫Δല פ 50 ΔՕ ᆏપ౨ᄭ ءګ Ζ ྲྀᐙ ݾ ኙ དྷ ق ᕴΔ ڕ ᙩኪ ڇ ᘛኟՂೖఎழၴመ९Δঞ ױ ౨ ق ڇ ᕴՂఎՀྲྀᐙࢨ ٱ Ζᕣጥ དྷ ق ᕴՂऱྲྀᐙլᄎ ة Ն ڇژ Δ ᨠฒսྥլᣋ ࠩྲྀᐙΔ ࠡਢ ڇ 24 7 ழᐾ ऱᘛኟՂΖ ฤ ٽ RoHSᑑᄷ AOpen ૠࠀ س ขऱ ق ᕴข ฤ ڶٽ ୭ढᔆૻࠫයࠏ RoHS ᑑᄷΔᣤ ૻࠫሩࡉࠡ ٲה ୭ᛩቼऱ ڶ ढᔆऱࠌ ش Ζ ೯९ॾᇆᒵᇖᚍ פ ౨ ೯९ॾᇆᒵᇖᚍ פ ౨ ششࠌڂַ ױ ९...

Страница 41: ...Գ ق ໂԫᑌΔA2penֆ ৬ᤜ ᘛኟ ၵழΔ ᚨᐾ ฝ೯ऱቹቝࢨࡳཚࠌ ش ฝ೯ৠঅΖ ق ᕴլ ش ழᚨᣂൾሽᄭΖ ቹቝլ ࡳΔፋྡྷլ ࢨ ెं ࣔڶ ॾᇆᒵᚨፖሽᆰ ݙ ٤ຑ Ζ ࠌ ش OSD ᘛኟ פ ق ౨ խऱImage Adjust ቹቝᓳᖞ ࠫᙇႈ א ᓳ ፋྡྷΔࠀຏመᏺ ࢨף პᓳࠐᓳᆏ ق ய Ζᅝ ق ᑓ ޏڤ ழΔOSD ᘛኟ פ ق ౨ խऱImage Adjust ቹቝᓳᖞ ࡳଖՈᚨૹᄅၞ ᓳᖞΖ ᛀ ق ᕴࡉ ऱቹ ݮ ਢ ܡ ઌ Δਢ ܡ ආ ش Աං ऱॾᇆࠧᄅ timings Ζ נ ڕ ݮ ڗ ွΔᓮല ᑓ ޏڤ non interlace ॺሶ ᑓ شࠌࠀڤ 60 Hzऱࠧᄅ Ζ ၦီ ॾᇆ component signal ऱቹቝೣጸ ᛀ ਢ ܡ ᙇᖗԱCOMPONENTᙁԵጤ Ζ ق ᕴՂऱਐ ق ᗉլॽ ጸᗉࡉદᗉ լॽ ሽᄭᒵਢ ܡ բ ...

Страница 42: ... ڜ Ζ ᛀ ᕴਢ ܡ ኙᄷԱ ق ᕴऱ ტᚨᕴΖ SCHEDULEֲ פ ౨ OFFTIMERᣂᖲૠழᕴ פ ౨ՠ լ إ ൄ ᅝ ᆜԱᣂᖲૠழᕴ OFFTIMER Δֲ פ ౨ SCHEDULE ല ฃΖ ڕ ࡳԱᣂᖲૠழᕴ OFF TIMER פ ౨ Δ དྷ ق ᕴऱሽᄭ ᣂຨࢨሽᄭࠎᚨრ խឰΔঞᣂᖲૠழᕴ OFFTIMER ലᄎ ۯ Ζ යెᕳଃ ق ڇ ਬࠄ ࡳऱቹூழΔ ق ء ᕴ ױڶ ౨ᄎ נ িऴऱࢨֽᄷऱයె Ζຍࠀॺข ਚᎽࢨࢤ౨Հ Ζ ᘛኟՂ ق NO SIGNAL ॾڶ ᇆ ڇ ຑ HDCP ໂ Δቹቝ ױ ౨ᄎྤऄ إ ൄ ق Ζ ...

Страница 43: ...0 Vp p with 75 ohm terminated RCA PIN JACK L R ᙁ נ x 1 0 15 Vrms with 47k ohm terminated փᆜཆᜢᕴΚ5 W 5 W 8 ohm ଃᒣ ஆΚ7 W 7 W 8 ohm 9 ಾ Mini D sub ᇞ ৫ 640 x 480 at 60 Hz 800 x 600 at 60Hz 1024 x 768 at 60Hz 1280 x 720 at 60Hz 1280 x 768 at 60Hz 1360 x 768 at 60Hz 1600 x 1200 at 60 Hz 1366 x 768 at 60Hz 1920 x 1080 at 60Hz 1900 x 1200 reduced Blanking only ං ق ᕴࠌ ش ᇞ ৫l ං ሽီᛥิ شࠌٽ ᇞ ৫ NTSC PAL SECAM 4 ...

Страница 44: ......

Страница 45: ...quipment 14 Connecting to a DVD Player 15 Connecting to a Stereo Amplifier 16 Connecting to a display mounted PC 16 Basic Operation 17 Power ON and OFF Modes 17 Power Indicator 18 Using Power Management 18 Display Signal of Video Source Setting to VIDEO 18 Picture Size 18 Smart Picture Mode 19 Audio Source Switching 19 Control Lock Mode 19 OSD Information 19 OSD On Screen Display Controls 20 PICTU...

Страница 46: ...his manual z The casing cover should be opened only by qualified service personnel z Keep the monitor out of direct sunlight and away from stoves or any other heat source z Remove any object that could fall into the vents or prevent proper cooling of the monitor s electronics z Do not block the ventilation holes on the cabinet z Keep the monitor dry To avoid electric shock do not expose it to rain...

Страница 47: ...ocations for dropping off such waste electrical and electronic contact your local government office the waste disposal organization that serves your household or the store at which you purchased the product Attention users in United States Like all LCD products this set contains a lamp with Mercury Please dispose of according to all Local State and Federal Laws For the disposal or recycling inform...

Страница 48: ...ltage of the power socket and has been approved by and complies with the safety regulations of the particular country You might like to save the package box and packing material for shipping the monitor The following components are prepared as options External Speakers Table stand Clamper x 2 User Manual Screw M3 x 5 x 2 Main switch cover Remote Control and AAA Batteries Power cord The supplied po...

Страница 49: ...button To return to previous menu while OSD menu is on or to activate the OSD menu when the OSD menu is off Main Power Switch To turn the main power on off Remote control sensor Power indicator and ambient light sensor To receive the IR signal from the remote control The indicator would show green when the LCD monitor is active and would turn red when the LCD is POWER OFF While in the case of the ...

Страница 50: ... the composite video signal from VIDEO IN connector S VIDEO IN connector MINI DIN 4 pin To input the S video Y C separate signal COMPONENT IN Y Pb Pr BNC To connect an equipment such as a DVD player HDTV device or Laser disc player AC OUT connector Bypass AC power output from AC IN connector Rating 100 240Vac 50 60Hz 3A Max AC IN connector To connect with the supplied power cord EXTERNAL SPEAKER T...

Страница 51: ... selected item when OSD menu is on To move the sub picture down when in PIP mode INFO button To turn on off the setting information displayed on the right up corner of the screen SIZE button To select the picture size from FULL NORMAL CUSTOM DYNAM IC and REAL VOLUME button VOLˇ button To increase the audio output level VOLˉ button To decrease the audio output level VIDEO SOURCE button To activate ...

Страница 52: ...ith a distance İ 3 m 10 ft Handling the remote control Do not subject to strong shock Do not allow water or other liquid to splash the remote control If the remote control gets wet wipe it dry immediately Avoid exposure to heat and steam Other than to install the batteries do not open the remote control NOTE The remote control system may not function when direct sunlight or strong illumination str...

Страница 53: ...e AAA batteries matching the and signs on each battery to the and signs of the battery compartment Do not mix battery types Do not combine new batteries with used ones It causes shorter battery life or leakage of batteries Remove dead batteries immediately to prevent battery liquid from leaking into the battery compartment Don t touch exposed battery acid it cause damage to your skin NOTE If you d...

Страница 54: ...lication being used POWER SAVE SCREEN SAVER DATE AND TIME 11 To prevent the main power switch from being changed To prevent the possibility of main power switch being carelessly pushed please attach the main switch cover accessory onto it NOTE With the main power switch cover in place the main power switch can not be turned off Remove main power switch cover in order to turn off the display ...

Страница 55: ...10 English Video wall design Guide ...

Страница 56: ... installed without the correct and complete mounting accessories not provided in the box Make sure you have all related parts available for wall mounting 3 Follow the instructions that come with the base mounting kit Failure to follow correct mounting procedures could result in damage to the equipment or injury to the user or installer Product warranty does not cover damage caused by improper inst...

Страница 57: ...h Connectivity Before making connections First turn off the power of all the attached equipments before make connections Refer to the user manual included in each separate piece of equipment Connectivity Diagram ...

Страница 58: one LCD monitors to a PC apply another VGA signal cable mini D sub 15 pin to mini D sub 15 pin it s commercially available to make connection between the LCD monitor VGA OUT connector and the other VGA IN connector The AUDIO IN 1 2 3 or HDMI can be connected for audio input After choosing one of the AUDIO IN connectors you might need to select AUDIO 1 2 3 or HDMI using the AUDIO SOURCE button o...

Страница 59: ...HDMI and DVI D can receive HDMI video signals from either a HDMI output of for instance a DVD player or from a DVI D output of a PC To ensure the display quality use a cable with a quality prescribed by DVI standards The AUDIO IN 1 2 3 or HDMI connector can be chosen to receive an audio source Select AUDIO 1 2 3 or HDMI from the AUDIO SOURCE button on the remote control HDMI for audio is only sele...

Страница 60: obtain RCA connectors on both ends you can use the in box available BNC to RCA converters DVD player Y Pb Pr Out and LCD monitor COMPONENT You might need BNC to RCA adapters including in the accessories to convert the BNC connectors to RCA connectors if you are using the separated signaling Y Pb Pr RCA cable If your DVD player supports HDMI signaling apply a HDMI to HDMI cable for the connectio...

Страница 61: ...o in and the LCD monitor audio out Do not reverse the audio left and right jacks For the preferred audio signal select AUIDO1 AUDIO2 AUDIO3 or HDMI from the AUDIO SOURCE button on the remote control HDMI for audio is selectable only when HDMI or DVI D for video is selected The AUDIO OUT RCA connectors output sound from the selected AUDIO SOURCE Connecting to a display mounted PC This monitor has a...

Страница 62: ...the Main Power Switch is used to power off the LCD monitor the remote control the power button and the indicator will not work Make sure to turn the Main Power Switch on before using the other two options 2 Pressing the power button NOTE Before pressing the power button be sure to turn on the Main Power button on the LCD monitor 3 Using the remote control NOTE Before operating the remote control b...

Страница 63: ...CE button on the remote control to set video source to VIDEO Use the COLOR SYSTEM OSD menu to select AUTO NTSC PAL SECAM PAL60 4 43NTSC according to your video format Picture Size HDMI DVI D VGA FULL NORMAL CUSTOM REAL COMPONENT VIDEO FULL NORMAL DYNAMIC REAL CUSTOM Signal Type NORMAL SIZE Recommended Size NORMAL 4 3 DYNAMIC Squeeze FULL NORMAL Display with the input signal aspect ratio from PC si...

Страница 64: 3 seconds To enable the buttons press and hold down the S and T buttons together for at least 3 seconds again OSD Information HDMI VGA VGA 1024 x 768 48kHz 60Hz AUDIO 1 SIZE FULL Video Source Input signal Information Audio Source Picture Size COMPONENT COMPONENT 1080P AUDIO 2 SIZE FULL Video Source Input signal Information Audio Source Picture Size S VIDEO VIDEO S VIDEO NTSC AUDIO 3 SIZE NORMAL...

Страница 65: ...TER button to enable setting Press SOURCE button to enable the setting Press UP or DOWN and LEFT or RIGHT button to select function or adjust the setting Press ENTER button to enable the setting Press UP or DOWN and or button to select function or adjust the setting Press ENTER button to enable the setting Press MENU or EXIT button to exit Press EXIT button to exit UP or DOWN button SOURCE button ...

Страница 66: ...or a soft one as you prefer and set independently for each picture mode Press ُ button to increase sharpness Press ٙ button to decrease sharpness BLACK LEVEL Adjusts the image brightness for the background Press ُ button to increase black level Press ٙ button to decrease black level NOISE REDUCTION Adjusts the noise reduction level Press ُ button to increase reduction level Press ٙ button to decre...

Страница 67: ...he color levels of red green and blue are adjusted by the color bars R Red G Green B Blue LIGHT SENSOR Select ON to enable the ambient light sensor The image brightness will be auto adjusted when ambient light changed DYNAMIC CONTRAST Select ON to enable the dynamic conctrast mode Can enhancement the image of high contrast ratio PICTURE RESET Selecting Picture reset allows you to reset all OSD set...

Страница 68: ...ow the width of the image on the screen the left CLOCK PHASE INPUT VGA only Improves focus clarity and image stability by increasing or decreasing this setting ZOOM MODE You can select FULL NORMAL and CUSTOM and REAL INPUT HDMI DVI D VGA only You can also select FULL NORMAL DYNAMIC and CUSTOM and REAL INPUT COMPONENT S VIDEO VIDEO only Selecting DYNAMIC will make the screen display panoramic with ...

Страница 69: ...e only VZOOM expands the vertical size only H POSITION moves to the right with button moves to the left with button V POSITION moves up with button moves down with button SCREEN RESET Selecting Screen reset allows you to reset all OSD settings from PICTURE setting Select Yes and press ENTER button to restore the factory preset data Press EXIT button to cancel and then return to the previous menu ...

Страница 70: ...decrease TREBLE sound BASS This feature helps you to accentuate or reduce the low frequency sound Press ُ button to increase BASS sound Press ٙ button to decrease BASS sound SPEAKER This feature helps you to cut the internal or the external loudspeaker Press ُ or ٙ button to exchanges the internal and the external loudspeaker AUDIO RESET Selecting Audio reset allows you to reset all OSD settings f...

Страница 71: ...ource in PIP mode When selecting MAIN AUDIO you will get the sound for the main picture and when selecting PIP AUDIO you will get the sound for the picture instead PIP RESET Selecting PIP Reset allows you to reset all OSD settings from PIP setting Select Yes and press ENTER button to restore the factory preset data Press EXIT button to cancel and then return to the previous menu English ...

Страница 72: ...ccording to temperature of monitor when selected AUTO The cooling fan will be turned on always when selected ON BRIGHTNESS The brightness is decreased when selected High Middel and Low PIXEL MOTION Image is slightly expanded and moves 4 directions UP DOWN RIGHT LEFT periodically Need setting the time for movement Movement area is approximately 5pixel from original position Please locate the import...

Страница 73: ... PICTURE SCREEN AUDIO CONFIGURATION1 2 and ADVANCED OPTION will be back to factory settings except LANGUAGE DATE AND TIME and SCHEDULE Select YES and press ENTER button to restore the factory preset data Press EXIT button to cancel and return the previous menu ...

Страница 74: ...SD will be displayed when the input signal is changed or a source change or warning message like no signal or out of range A time between 1 to 10 seconds is available OFF TIMER In the OFF TIMER menu you can preset the monitor to automatically power down A time between 1 to 24 hours is available When the OFF TIMER is set the SCHEDULE settings will be ignored OSD H POSITION Adjusts the horizontal po...

Страница 75: ... of black expansion from OFF LOW MIDDLE and HIGH In case of go under the black cut off level please adjust the Black level in moderation on OSD menu GAMMA SELECTION Selects a display gamma It refers to the brightness performance curve of signal input 2 2 2 4 S gamma Native SCAN MODE INPUT HDMI DVI D MODE HD S VIDEO VIDEO only Changes the display area of the image OVERSCAN Set to display area about...

Страница 76: ...ration mode of the keyboard control Select LOCK to disable the keyboard Select UNLOCK to enable the keyboard TILING TILING demonstrates multiple screens This feature provides a single large screen using up to 25 monitors It will be able to divide up to 5 each H and V This requires you to feed the PC output into each of the monitors through a distributor H MONITORS Select number of horizontal monit...

Страница 77: ...ctable DDC CI Use to turn ON or OFF the DDC CI communication function Select ON for normal use ADVANCED OPTION RESET Selecting ADVANCED OPTION RESET allows you to reset all OSD settings from ADVANCED OPTION settings except for GAMMA SELECTION DATE AND TIME SCHEDULE HDMI INPUT MODE DVI D INPUT MODE MONITOR ID and DDC CI Select YES and press ENTER button to restore the factory preset data Press EXIT...

Страница 78: ...the image in four directions 3 When not in use please turn off the monitor with your remote control or use Power Management Function or use the Schedule Function of monitor 4 Reducing the environmental temperature will increase the life of your monitor When Protection board glass acryl is installed over the LCD surface enclosed into the box wall or stack the monitor please utilize the temperature ...

Страница 79: ...f the other monitors are set to SECONDARY 3 When you direct the remote controller at the remote control signal sensor of the PRIMARY monitor and press the DISPLAY button on the remote controller the ID selection OSD appears at the upper left of the screen ID number of the currently viewed monitor Select the ID number of the monitor you want to control using the ُ ٙ button on the remote controller ...

Страница 80: ...dditional depth to the public display and a lot of cable clutter This public display contains a Smart insert in the backcover that will fit many professional small form factor PC s In addition it offers provisions for efficient cable management SmartPower The backlight intensity can be controlled and pre set by the system to reduce the power consumption by up to 50 which saves substantially on ene...

Страница 81: ...s A pen recommends displaying moving images and using a moving panel saving at regular intervals whenever the screen is idle or turning off the monitor when not in use Image is unstable unfocused or swimming is apparent Signal cable should be completely attached to the computer Use the OSD Image Adjust controls to focus and adjust display by increasing or decreasing the fine adjustment When the di...

Страница 82: ...HEDULE OFF TIMER function is not working properly The SCHEDULE function will be ignored when the OFF TIMER is set If the OFF TIMER function is enabled and the power to the LCD monitor is turned off if the power supply is interrupted unexpectedly then the OFF TIMER will be reset Stripe Noise Either light vertical or horizontal stripes may appear depending on the specific display pattern This is no ...

Страница 83: ...ted Internal Speaker 5 W 5 W 8 ohm External Speaker Jack 7 W 7 W 8 ohm 9 Pin Mini D sub Resolutions Supported 640 x 480 at 60 Hz 800 x 600 at 60Hz 1024 x 768 at 60Hz 1280 x 720 at 60Hz 1280 x 768 at 60Hz 1360 x 768 at 60Hz 1600 x 1200 at 60 Hz 1366x768 at 60Hz 1920x1080 at 60Hz 1900x1200 reduced Blanking only recommand resolution for display individual recommand resolution for video wall applicati...

Страница 84: ...HDDL6002010 3A ...
