Basic Operation
Doc.Id. HMSI-27-212
Anybus CompactCom 40 EtherNet/IP
Doc.Rev. 1.5
2.2 Device Customization
2.2.1 Network Identity
By default, the module uses the following identity settings:
• Vendor ID:
005Ah (HMS Industrial Networks)
• Device Type:
002Bh (Generic Device)
• Product Code:
0037h (Anybus CompactCom 40 EtherNet/IP)
• Product Name:
‘Anybus CompactCom 40 EtherNet/IP(TM)’
Optionally, it is possible to customize the identity of the module by implementing the corresponding
instance attributes in the EtherNet/IP Host Object.
See also...
• “Identity Object (01h)” on page 63 (CIP-object)
• “EtherNet/IP Host Object (F8h)” on page 161 (Host Application Object)
According to the CIP specification, the combination of Vendor ID and serial number must be unique.
It is not permitted to use a custom serial number in combination with the HMS Vendor ID (005Ah), nor is it permitted
to choose Vendor ID arbitrarily. Failure to comply to this requirement will induce interoperability problems and/or other
unwanted side effects. HMS approves use of the HMS Vendor ID (005Ah), in combination with the default serial num-
ber, under the condition that the implementation requires no deviations from the standard EDS-file.
To obtain a Vendor ID, contact the ODVA.
2.2.2 Electronic Data Sheet (EDS)
On EtherNet/IP, the characteristics of a device is stored in an ASCII data file with the suffix EDS. This
file is used by configuration tools etc. when setting up the network configuration. HMS supplies a stand-
ard (generic) EDS-file, which corresponds to the default settings in the module. However, due to the
flexible nature of the Anybus CompactCom concept, it is possible to alter the behavior of the product
in ways which invalidate the generic EDS-file. In such case, a custom EDS-file needs to be created,
which in turn invalidates the default identity information and require re-certification of the product.
Since the module implements the Parameter Object, it is possible for configuration tools such as
RSNetWorx to automatically generate a suitable EDS-file. Note that this functionality requires that the
command ‘Get_Instance_Number_By_Order’ (Application Data Object, FEh) has been implemented
in the host application.
See also...
• “Parameter Object (0Fh)” on page 74 (CIP-object)
• Anybus CompactCom 40 Software Design Guide, “Application Data Object (FEh)”
HMS approves use of the standard EDS-file only under the condition that it matches the actual im-
plementation and that the identity information remains unchanged.