Safety Advice and Installation Instruction
Power Ant Mini
(Date: March 2014)
Safety Advice
You need to adhere to the following advice
for mounting and training with the Power Ant
The Power Ant Mini needs to be mounted on
a level surface. When mounting the board to
a crooked or wavy wall it can either happen
that the board cracks while bolting it down
or it does not have enough strength to sup-
port your weight. Never bolt your Power Ant
Mini onto gypsum plasterboard or any other
kind of drywall as well as crumbly brick walls.
These supports are too weak, the board will
get pulled out of them under load. This is a
Check before every training session that all
bolts are still tight. If there is the slightest in-
dication that the board could become loose
or even starts to wobble it must not be used
for training until until all bolts are tightened
and there is no movement of the board.
We are not liable for damages or injuries due
to not conforming to the instructions in this
Note: The included bolts do not slide easily
through the holes in the board, they have to
be bolted through. This is necessary so when
the board is bolted to the wall the bolts have
very little play between them and the board.
antworks e.U.
St. Wolfgang 102
A-2880 Kirchberg am Wechsel
+43 660 50 96 239
Currently there are two Applications to your Power Ant Mini available:
Knockers 80
The Knockers 80 spherical holds allow to in-
tensify your training even more. The gripping
of the spheres increases the strain of the fo-
rearms on every pull significantly compared
to the sticks. A tight hand grip and a strong
fore arm are the result of the training. The
Knockers 80 spheres fit on all Ant Hill peg
boards, the Power Ant Mini, Strong Ant II as
well as Strong Ant Pure.
Diameter: 80mm
Knockers 100
The big sisters of the Knockers 80. Due to
the larger diameter even more gripping pow-
er is necessary.
Diameter: 100mm