12 Defining and Using Methods
Defining Multiple Measurements
Using multiple measurements enables you to perform several measurements
automatically. A single entry in the sample list starts a series of up to 10
measurements of a sample and calculates the average value of these
Multiple measurements create an additional entry in the data memory as not only
the single measurements but also the average values are calculated and stored.
To define multiple measurements
1. Tap <Menu> and select
"Methods > Method Settings > "Method Name" >
Multiple Measurement Settings"
2. Select the number of multiple measurement cycles.
3. Tap <OK>.
Defining Formula Parameters
You can enter formula parameters to define how API parameters shall be
determined and to define which special adjustment shall be used for the
Canadian excise alcohol table.
API parameters are usually calculated based on true density; the input quantity
can be defined as:
Density (not visc.-corr.)
Special Adjustment 1, ..., 5
The API Product Group can be set to A (crude oil), B (fuels) or D (lubes) to set up
measuring methods for different product groups.
The conversion formulas from input quantities (Density etc.) to API quantities
differ between the product groups A, B and D and therefore need to be defined
for the measuring methods.
The input quantity for the Canadian Excise Alcohol Table can be defined as:
Special Adjustment 1, ..., 5 (see Chapter
If multiple measurements are activated for a certain method, it is no longer
possible to define a temperature scan for the specific method in the sample