Song Speed Page
Song:YY Speed
(0 is fast): xxx
The Song Speed page operates in exactly the same manner as the Program
Speed page described above. However, the Song Speed overrides the Speed
settings of any Programs called up by any of the Song Steps.
Song Items Page
Song:XX : 1 2 3 4
Programs: 0 0 0 0
Here’s where the action is. The Song Items page allows you to specify a
sequence of Programs along with a variety of options for navigating the
To specify the contents of a Song Step, use the cursor buttons to move to
the step number and then use the data knob to select the desired Item for
that Step. Each Song contains 20 Steps. Continuing to press a cursor button
when the cursor has reached the leftmost or rightmost displayed Step
Number will cause additional Step Numbers to cycle across the display.
Each Song Step may contain one of the following Items:
## (A Program Number) While this Song Step is active, the input audio will
be pitch corrected according to the scale associated with this Program. All
other Program parameters (i.e., Speed and Vibrato) will be ignored.
B (Bypass) While this Song Step is active, the ATR-1 is put into Bypass Mode.
<- (Loop) When a Song Step containing a Loop command becomes active,
the Song immediately resets to Song Step #1. If Song Step #1 contains a “0”
(No Program) item, the Song moves forward to the next non-”0“ Step.
Use Loop when you want to repeat a harmonic structure multiple times.
E (End) When a Song Step containing End becomes active, the ATR-1 enters
Bypass Mode and additional presses of the Foot Switch or MIDI Increment
commands have no affect. The only way to proceed to the next Song is
select a new Song on the front panel or via MIDI program change.
It’s a good idea to put an End command at the end of every Song to avoid
the possibility of accidentally getting lost in your Song list.
Display Screens and Menu Pages