Congratulation on your purchasing this high performance PCI
Express multi-serial host adapter. The adapter is high speed PCI
Express bus based and plug-and-play compliant. Its serial ports
are fully 16C950 UART compatible with most of the RS232C
devices available from the market.
Full x1 PCI Express Throughput, 250Mbytes/sec
Fully Compliant with PCI Express Base Specifications,
Revision 1.0a
16C950 UARTs, Fully Compatible with 16C550, Baud Rate up
to 921.6Kbps
Supports 8S RS232 ports over one single PCI Express slot.
Supports Windows 2000 and XP and Linux
1. Introduction
2. Board Layout
J2: DB62 pin
Connector to
8-port Octopus
J3: Aux. Power
JP1: S1~S4 and S5~S8
Swap Jumpers
JP4: Aux Power
Source Selector
Y1: 14.7456MHZ
Oscillator for
RS232 Baud Rate
JP3: Power over External
Connector Enable/Disable
JP2: Baud
Oscillator Selector
Installation Guide