802.1Q VLAN
Tagged-based VLAN is an IEEE 802.1Q specification standard. Therefore, it is possible
to create a VLAN across devices from different switch venders. IEEE 802.1Q VLAN uses
a t echnique t o i nsert a “ tag” i nto t he E thernet frames. Tag c ontains a V LAN Identifier
(VID) that indicates the VLAN numbers.
You can create Tag-based VLAN, and enable or disable GVRP protocol. There are 256
VLAN g roups to pr ovide c onfiguration. E nable 802.1Q V LAN, al l por ts o n t he sw itch
belong to default VLAN of VID 1. The default VLAN can’t be deleted.
GVRP (GARP VLAN Registration Protocol) is a protocol that facilitates control of virtual
local ar ea ne tworks (VLANs) w ithin a l arger n etwork. GVRP c onforms t o the I EEE
802.1Q specification, which defines a method of tagging frames with VLAN configuration
data. This al lows n etwork dev ices t o d ynamically ex change V LAN c onfiguration
information with other devices.
GVRP i s bas ed on GARP ( Generic A ttribute R egistration P rotocol), a pr otocol t hat
defines procedures by which end s tations and switches in a local area network (LAN)
can register and de-register attributes, such as identifiers or addresses, with each other.
Every end station and switch thus has a current record of all the other end stations and
switches that can be reached.
GVRP, l ike G ARP, eliminates un necessary net work t raffic by pr eventing at tempts to
transmit i nformation t o unr egistered us ers. I n addi tion, i t i s ne cessary t o m anually
configure only one switch and all the other switches will be configured accordingly.
802.1Q Configuration
Pull down the selection item and focus on
then press
button to set
the VLAN Operation Mode in
Enable GVRP Protocol:
Tick the checkbox to enable GVRP protocol. This
checkbox is available while the VLAN Operation Mode is in
Select the port you want to configure.
Link Type
: There are 3 types of link type.