server/SMTP server. Also, per port log (link up, link down, and both) events can be sent
to the system log server/SMTP server with the respective checkbox ticked. After
configuring, click
to have the setting taken effect.
System event selection:
There are 4 event types—Device cold start, Device warm
start, A uthentication Failure, and X-ring t opology c hange. Before you c an t ick the
checkbox of eac h ev ent t ype, t he S yslog C lient M ode c olumn on t he S yslog
Configuration t ab/E-mail A lert c olumn on t he S MTP C onfiguration t ab m ust be
enabled first.
Device cold start:
When the device executes cold start action, the system will
issue a log event.
Device warm start:
When t he d evice
warm s tart, th e s ystem w ill
issue a log event.
Authentication Failure:
When the SNMP authentication fails, the system will
issue a log event.
X-ring topology change:
When the X-ring topology has changed, the system
will issue a log event.
Port event selection:
Also, be fore t he dr op-down m enu i tems are av ailable, t he
Syslog Client M ode c olumn on t he S yslog C onfiguration t ab and t he E-mail A lert
column on t he S MTP C onfiguration t ab must be e nabled first. Those dr op-down
menu i tems have 3 s elections—Link U P, Li nk D own, a nd Link U P & Li nk D own.
Disable means no event will be sent to the system log server/SMTP server.
Link UP:
The system will issue a log message when port connection is up only.
Link Down:
The s ystem w ill issue a l og message w hen por t c onnection i s
down only.
Link UP & Link Down:
The sy stem w ill issue a l og m essage w hen por t
connection is up and down.