888.535.5005 tel
1 — In Ground Support
4 — Seats
(Straight or Curved)
TOOLS needed:
Ratchet with 1/2” Socket
Ratchet with 3/4” Socket
1/2” Open-end or Box-end Wrench
3/4” Open-end or Box-end Wrench
40 — 5/16”
20 — 5/16” X 1.25”
Hex Head Bolt
The assembly is a two-person operation.
1. Inspect the shipping container contents for damage and to determine that all components and hardware are present.
2. Locate the Surface Mount Support and the Tabletop
Adapter and lay them out on the packing cardboard
or other soft surfaced workspace.
3. Align the mounting holes in the Tabletop
Adapter with the holes in the appropriate end
of the Surface Mount Support. Install one of the
1.375” O.D. Washers onto one of the 1/2” x 1.5” Long
Bolts and insert the Bolt through both parts, with
the Bolt head on the outside surface of the Surface
Mount Support. Install a 1.375” O.D. Washer and
1/2” Nylon Insert Nut on the inside end of the Bolt.
Use the Ratchet with 3/4” Socket and 3/4” Wrench to
tighten the Nuts.
Repeat this for the other two mounting holes on the
top side of the Adapter/Support assembly.
Turn the assembly over and repeat for the three
mounting holes on the other side of the assembly.
Model F1403 shown.
Tabletop shape and pattern may vary.
Seat shape and pattern may vary.
aSSeMBLY Hardware:
BencH cOMpOnenTS:
6 — 1/2-13 x 1.5”
Hex Head Bolt
14 — 1/2-13”
Nylon Insert Nut
28 — 1.375” O.D.
8 — 1/2 x 5.5”
Hex Head Bolt
1 — Tabletop
(Square or Round)
4 — Seat Supports
1 — Tabletop Adapter
20 — 5/16”
Flanged Hex Nut
1.375” O.D. Washer
Nylon Insert Nut
1.5” Long Bolt
1.375” O.D. Washer
Tabletop Adapter
Surface Mount Support
Tabletop Adapter
Surface Mount Support
Packaging cardboard or
other soft work surface
46” Square Table
46” Round Table
46” Square Table