Anova Precision Cooker WI-FI
Connectivity Troubleshooting Guide
First things first, confirm you have a WI-FI + Bluetooth device. See
device label sticker for model number A3.2-120V-US.
To connect to WI-FI you will need to download the Anova app
Android - Downloadable on Google Play Store
Apple - Downloadable on the Apple App Store
Before You try to connect make sure you:
1. You are using the latest version of the app.
2. Move your Precision Cooker WI-FI to within 5 feet/ 1.5 meters of your
router (not a wireless repeater) - This will speed up the connection process.
Don't worry - Once you successfully connect, you can unplug your
Precision Cooker WI-FI and move it anywhere you'd like!
3. Connect your Phone to your 2.4GHz WI-FI network - If you have two
network names with the same name - For example “My WIFI Name” and
“My WIFI Name-5G” - choose “My WIFI”. The Precision Cooker WI-FI
works best with a 2.4GHz connection.
4. Make sure your WI-FI password is between 8 and 18 characters and
doesn't have any special characters:! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) { } [ ] ", . = + ~ ` _ <
> : ; | / ? \