Taking your Blood Pressure
This blood pressure monitor is designed to detect the pulse and to
inflate the cuff to a systolic pressure level automatically.
Tips for Taking Blood Pressure
Before Your Measurement:
• For 30 minutes prior to taking your blood pressure
Do not exercise
Do not drink coffee, caffeinated soda or alcohol
Do not smoke
• Sit quietly for 5-10 minutes
• Ensure you are using the right size cuff
During Your Measurement:
• Do not talk
• Sit with your back straight and supported
• Uncross your legs and place feet flat on floor
• Rest arm on a table so that the cuff is at heart level
• Measure two times a day, in the morning and evening
Notes for Accurate Measurement
• This monitor bases its measurements on the heartbeat. If you have
a very weak or irregular heartbeat, the monitor may have difficulty
determining your blood pressure.
• Should the monitor detect a condition that is abnormal, it will stop
the measurement and display an error symbol. Refer to the section
"Symbols" for the description of the symbols.
• If you have emotional stress, the measurement will reflect this stress
as a higher (or lower) than normal blood pressure reading and the
pulse reading will usually be faster than normal.
• An individual's blood pressure varies constantly, depending on what
you are doing and what you have eaten. What you drink can have a
very strong and rapid effect on your blood pressure.