First commissioning
Edition 06/2015
InnuPure C16
Enter the following password:
User name:
The InnuPure C16 is now ready for operation.
User management is enabled using the menu item M
. Disable the
command if you do not want to use user management. This requires administrator
rights. At the next device start, the last logged in user is automatically logged in.
Figure 8 Start window
Switching off the InnuPure C16
Wait until all processes of the current extraction protocol have been completed. Then switch
the InnuPure C16 off from the mains switch at the equipment backplate.
Alternatively, you can put the InnuPure C16 into sleep mode. To do so, touch the touch sen-
sor for approx. 3 s until the status indication currently flashing green/red changes to red only
and the indication at the control unit HID-Pro 320 goes out.
During sleep mode the InnuPure C16 is not switched off completely. That is, it continues to
consume power. To switch off the InnuPure C16 completely, switch off the device from the
mains switch at the equipment backplate.
Switching off the touch sensor
The touch sensor can be bypassed. Then the device can no longer be switched on and off
from this switch.
If you do not want to use the touch sensor, move the switch (5 in Figure 3 p. 16) to position
The LED of the touch sensor illuminates permanently green. Now the In-
nuPure C16 can only be switched on and off at the mains switch.