Evaluation Board User Guide
Rev. 0 | Page 5 of 8
The evaluation board can be connected in the ways shown in
Figure 3. By default, the video buses of the
are directly connected, and the I
S and S/PDIF
are directly connected to the I
S and
S/PDIF inputs of the
Note that the version of the board without HDCP support
(EVAL-ADV7612-7511P) does not work with most consumer
HDMI sources (for example, Blu-ray players) because they
automatically implement HDCP encryption. Therefore, a non-
HDCP video source is needed with the non-HDCP version of
the board.
An HDCP license is required to purchase an HDCP-enabled
board. No license is required to purchase the non-HDCP-
enabled board.
The RS-232 command-line interface operates at 115,200 baud,
eight data bits, no parity, one stop bit, and no flow control.
via RS-232 lists the commands that can be used to
control the board as well as indicate the version of firmware and
build date.
If the board is HDCP-enabled, the Analog Devices, Inc., repeater
software starts on power-up, allowing an HDMI sink to receive
content from an HDMI/HDCP source soon after it is connected.
There are three main ways to control the board.
Commands via RS-232
Repeater software via RS-232
Advantiv video evaluation software (AVES)
Commands via RS-232
This mode uses the RS-232 command-line interface. The
powers up to a known reset state and then outputs
a prompt. At this point, commands can be entered. Typing
prints a list of commands. Using the appropriate commands, the
user can read/write registers in the
All registers are at their reset values.
Boards without HDCP enabled (EVAL-ADV7612-7511P)
typically use this mode.
It is possible to start the repeater software in this mode with the
startrep command via RS-232. This only works with HDCP-
protected sources on an HDCP-enabled board. A non-HDCP-
enabled board can still operate but does not support HDCP.
Repeater Software via RS-232
This mode also offers the RS-232 command-line interface but
primarily to control the repeater software. Boards with HDCP
support (EVAL-ADV7612-7511) typically start the repeater
software on power-up. The repeater software outputs messages
via RS-232 as it establishes an encrypted HDMI link and
sources, sinks, or formats change. Registers can still be
read/written from the command line, but anything that is
written to a register can be overwritten by the repeater software.
In this mode, there are additional commands from the repeater
itself. All repeater commands are in the rep XXX format, where
XXX is the repeater command. A list of repeater commands is
displayed using the rep help command. These commands pro-
vide information about the state of the repeater, source, and sink.
AVES is a Windows®-based application that runs on a PC and
allows the user to read/write registers on the
. It also displays the individual bit fields for each
register and allows the user to modify these individual bit fields.
The software supports RS-232, USB, and I
C (using the Total
Phase Aardvark I
C/SPI host adapter). Information about the
video evaluation board can be found on the EVAL-ADV7612-7511
page on EngineerZone at
For a non-HDCP-enabled board, this software may be the
easiest way to evaluate the different modes of the
Additional information about the software can be found on
EngineerZone at
, where
the latest version of the software can also be downloaded.