Rev. B | Page 287 of 312
The digital die WUT is the highest priority interrupt on the
, as described in Table 41. The WUT is also one of four interrupt
sources that can wake the digital die from hibernate mode. The WUT is clocked by the low frequency oscillator. The accuracy specifications of
the low frequency oscillator deem this timer unsuitable for a real-time clock setup, although some register names indicate support for a
true real-time clock. Because the WUT is clocked by the 32 kHz oscillator, take care when performing CPU reads or writes to the wake-up timer
registers. Synchronization status bits are provided to indicate when a read or write access is fully complete in the 32 kHz domain.
Key digital die WUT features include the following:
32 kHz input clock can be further divided by a prescale factor of 2
to 2
The timer count register is nominally a 32-bit value configured by the 16-bit registers, CNT1 and CNT0, for total Bits[31:0]. This
value can be expanded to 47 bits if CNT2 (the fractional divide register) is used, enabling CNT1, CNT0, and CNT2 for Bits[46:0].
When initializing or reenabling the WUT count, or when changing the prescale division ratio, the prescaler is automatically zeroed
so that the WUT count value is positioned on exact, coincident boundaries of both the start of the prescale sequence and the modulo
60 count roll over.
The WUT block can generate interrupts from multiple sources, unmasked by programming the CR0 register. The source of the interrupt is
reflected in the SR0 register. The timer interrupt sources include two optionally enabled, independent alarm features (one at absolute time
and the other at modulo 60 periodic time) that cause a processor interrupt when the timer count equals the alarm values.
The WUT can take and preserve a snapshot of its elapsed real time count when prompted to do so by the CPU, allowing the CPU to
associate a time stamp with an incoming data packet. The WUT preserves the snapshot for readback by the CPU. The snapshot is
persistent and is only overwritten when the CPU issues a request to capture a new value.
To enable periodic interrupts, the modulo 60 feature of the timer can be used. The modulo block divides the timer counter by 60 if the
remainder modulus equals the value in CR0, Bits[10:5] or a modulo alarm or interrupt occurs.
To enable periodic interrupts, perform the following steps:
Select the timer prescale value by writing to CR1, Bits[8:5]. This setting configures the base clock frequency for the timer.
Poll the WSYNCCR0 bit and wait for it to be set in the SR0 register as the MMR write occurs in the slower RTC domain.
Select the number of counts after 0 for the interrupt to occur. Write a value between 0 and 59 to CR0, Bits[10:5].
Enable the MOD60ALMINTEN interrupt source. Set CR0, Bit 11 = 1.
Enable modulo 60 alarms. Set CR0, Bit 4 = 1.
Set the global enable bit for the timer by setting CR0, Bit 0 = 1 to start the timer.
The WUT generates an interrupt when the timer counter value matches the value set by the user in the alarm registers, CNT1 and CNT0,
for Bits[31:0], or the alarm registers, CNT1, CNT0, and CNT2, for Bits[46:0]. To program this interrupt, perform the following steps:
Reset the CNTx registers to 0.
Configure the prescaler to divide the WUT base clock in the CR1 register.
Poll the WSYNCCR0 bit and wait for the bit to be set in the SR0 register as the MMR write occurs in the slower WUT domain.
Program the ALM0 register, ALM1 register, RTC register, and ALM2 register with the intended alarm time.
Enable the interrupt for alarm by setting CR0, Bit 2.
Set the ALMEN and CNTEN bits in the CR0 register.
Wait for the WUT alarm interrupt, which is triggered when the CNTx register value matches the ALMx register value.
A high level block diagram of the WUT is shown in Figure 65. All functionality for counting, alarm, snapshot, and wake-up interrupts is
located in a dedicated 32 kHz, timed, always on WUT power domain. The APB interface with the CPU (which comprises queuing and
dispatch logic for posted register writes) and interrupts to the Cortex NVIC are located in a PCLK and FCLK timed section of the main
power gated core domain.