Step 3
Connect either available ribbon cables (short or long) from J5 of the ADcmXL FX3 Interface Board
to the pre-assembled ADcmXL3021 (or ADcmXL1021-1) and the ADCMXL_BRKOUT/PCBZ.
Note 1: The shorter ribbon cable (2”) is required for RTS Mode but may be used in any of the
operation mode. The longer ribbon cable is provided for easier handling and in situ measurements
but could result in packet errors when operating in RTS mode. The longer ribbon cable is best of
MTC, AFFT and MFFT modes of operation.
Figure 9 Fx3 Interface connected to ADCMXL_BRKOUT/PCBZ using the 12” cable
Figure 10 ADcmXL module connected to the ADCMXL_BRKOUT/PCBZ, note the direction of the ADcmXL module
with respect to the board.
Note 2: ADcmXL module and the ADCMXL_BRKOUT/PCBZ are pre-assembled (both secured to
the acrylic plate) to reduce possible stresses on the Flex tail. Depending on the application, the
ADcmXL module and the ADCMXL_BRKOUT/PCBZ can be unmounted from the plate and be
secured to the platform of choice.
Step 4
Connect the FX3 Evaluation Board to the PC with the ADCMXL Evaluation Software using the
provided USB3.0 cable that is shipped with the Cypress FX3 Evaluation kit box.
Software Installation
In order to use the ADCMXL Evaluation Software, FX3 Driver needs to be downloaded and
installed before ADCMXL Evaluation Software. Follow the steps below:
1. Un-compress the file FX3Driver.zip from the