The ILD60DC Induction Loop Driver is designed for installation in motor
vehicles, where it will connect to the 12V battery supply, the installed stereo
sound system (extracting compatible mono), and with provision for a
microphone to be mounted in the appropriate location.
Warranty Information
This product carries a 5 year parts and labour warranty which could be
invalidated if these instructions are not followed correctly, or if the unit is
tampered with in any way.
The 5 year warranty is dated from the time the equipment leaves
Ampetronic and NOT when it is installed.
Inspect the equipment upon unpacking, to ensure that the contents of the
shipping carton are not damaged.
Ensure a fused supply from the 12V battery system which is switched, so
that the equipment is only activated when the ignition is on - possibly use a
switched power feed from the second system.
The unit must be installed in a location where the equipment is restrained
from moving, while still premitting ventilation. When seen from the top,
normal way up, the left hand side is used as a heat radiator, and must not
be blocked. Actual position is not important, note that the equipment is not
protected against dirt and liquids.
The unit can be placed fixed to a wall surface by means of two
roundheaded No. 8 wood screws fitted to suit the rear hole pattern. The
screws are positioned at 160mm separation in a vertical line. The drilling
template will assist in correct positioning.
Prepare the input signal connection as described in section 3.
2.4 Connect the loop cable to the rear Loop Terminals. Ensure that no stray
wire ends protrude from the terminal. The polarity of the loop is not
important. For the sizing of the loop, see the chapter on Loop Design. It is
important that the loop cable ends will form a twisted pair in the area of the
amplifier, to reduce the magnetic field near the amplifier position.
Induction Loop Driver