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Short operation manual


February 2012

Swivel lift BSL 350

AMF-Bruns GmbH & Co. KG 

Hauptstraße 101  I  26689  Apen I Germany

Telefon (Sale)  +49 (0) 44 89 / 72 72 50

Telefon (Service)  +49 (0) 44 89 / 72 72 37

T49 (0) 44 89 / 62 45

[email protected]  I

February 2012

 / Subject to modifications



It’s prohibited to stay in swivelling or  


lowering range!


It is only possible and allowed to lower


or raise the lift if both roll-off stops are 


folded up!


Any warranty work is only regulated if  


accepted and approved by AMF-Bruns 


IMportAnt InForMAtIon

Swivel lift BSL 350



Please note: The short operation manual does not replace the 
regular operation manual! Please read the regular operation 
manual carefully before using the product!

1. EmErgEncy lowEring

  1.  Remove cover on platform side

  2.  Press down the lowering valve’s red knurled head  


  screw, and rotate anti-clockwise at the same time  


  until it snaps up

  3.  Lift platform is now lowering

  4.  Press red knurled head screw again, and rotate  


  clockwise this time

  5.  Raise platform via manual pump, and stow it into  


  the vehicle

2. EmErgEncy lifting

Raise platform via manual pump, and stow it into the 


EMErGEnCy opErAtIon

Swivel lift BSL 350

(top view)

(top view)
