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set to the repeater's Secondary Channel send packets to the base station thru the
Retries - Typically set to 5. Specifies the number attempts that repeater radio uses
for a successful packet transmission.
Power - The radio can have its transmit power reduced. The FCC requires that lower
power (< 1W) be used if a high gain antenna is used.
Repeater Programming:
Bring the repeater to the JMS PC. Select the [Program] button and follow the
instructions. Under JMS normal operation (not repeater programming), the repeater
settings are not used by JMS.
The Jerome
Monitor Software (JMS) allows you to download data from one or more
Jerome 451/651 instruments, stores it in a permanent SQLite database for future use,
and displays the data in table or graphical form. JMS can be used for either 451s (Hg)
or 651s (H2S) instruments.
JMS uses a Spectra or Nano radio modem connected to a PC or laptop to communicate
with Jerome 451/651 instruments up to 4 miles away; see
details. Jerome 451/651 instruments store their sample results in internal memory until
"polled" by JMS. At that time, JMS downloads all of the stored results and saves them
to a permanent database on the PC or laptop; the database and program settings
location can be specified as needed. JMS displays the results in a table and on a
graph. An optional weather station is available, which provides wind direction, speed,
and temperature.
JMS can be set to automatically poll Jerome 451/651 instruments if the PC is set up
within range of them. JMS automatically refreshes the data after polling the Jerome
451/651 instruments. If an internet connection is also present, JMS can email high H2S
or Hg alerts and notifications of system errors to email addresses you supply. You can
also manually poll Jerome 451/651 instruments in order to obtain the very latest data.
will guide you through the typical steps for getting JMS running the first time.