Ethernet Communications Only
(original version)
( Part numbers starting with 1085- and 1086-)
The optional Ethernet Communication Module (Option ETH) provides alarm data
using Modbus and DNP protocols. Only one connection and protocol can be
used at a time.
The Ethernet Modbus protocol is the same as the serial version (Modbus RTU or
Modbus ASCII) encapsulated over the Ethernet LAN (TCP/IP). The Modbus
protocol supports operation as a Master or Slave device and can transmit alarm
status from the field contacts or receive alarms through the protocol. The DNP
I/P protocol supports operation as a Slave device transmitting the alarm status of
the field contacts. When Modbus or DNP is used with the Time Stamping of
Alarms Option (SER or SERFR), it provides the time and date of the alarms and
return to normal events.
The Ethernet Communication Module has no configuration jumpers. When
installed this module is mounted onto the Common Service module and together
they are installed in slot 1 and 2.
i. 17