i. 15
Communication Modules
The optional Communication Modules plug directly into the CSM Module through
card slot 2 and provide either a serial or Ethernet output. Only one
Communication Module per CSM is allowed. There are two variations of
communication modules used in the Annunciator based on the date (and part
number) used.
Original versions, pre June 2011
( Part numbers starting with 1085- and 1086-)
Annunciators with the pre- June 2011 communication boards use one style board
for Serial Communications and a separate style board for Ethernet
To verify which board you have, compare it to the pictures on the following pages.
Newer version, post June 2011
( Part numbers starting with 1087-)
Annunciators with the post- June 2011 communication boards use one style
board for both Serial and Ethernet Communications. The Serial port will be active
when the ‘SPT’ option is included in the model number code and the Ethernet port
will be active when option ‘ETH’ is included in the model number code. Systems
may contain both Serial and Ethernet communications when options ‘SPT’ and
‘ETH’ are included in the model number.
To verify which board you have, compare it to the pictures on the following pages.