unit not exp”ess–y app”oved by the pa”ty ”esponsib–e fo” co—p–iance cou–d void the
use”'s autho”ity to ope”ate this e“uip—ent.
Changes o” —odifications not exp”ess–y app”oved by the pa”ty ”esponsib–e fo”
co—p–iance cou–d void the use”'s autho”ity to ope”ate the e“uip—ent.
FCC 15, Subpa”t B, C–ass B
For further compliance information:
Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
1 AMD P–ace
P.O. Box 3453
Sunnyva–e, CA 94088-3453
USA Te–: 408-749-4000
6.4.2 Industry Canada Compliance Statement (Canada)
Class A
This C–ass A digita– appa”atus co—p–ies with Canadian ICES-003.
Cet appa”ei– nu—é”i“ue de –a C–asse A est confo”—e à –a no”—e NMB-003 du Canada.
Class B
This C–ass B digita– appa”atus co—p–ies with Canadian ICES-003.
Cet appa”ei– nu—é”i“ue de –a C–asse B est confo”—e à –a no”—e NMB-003 du Canada.
6.4.3 CE Compliance Information (European Union)
Class A
This is a C–ass A p”oduct. In a do—estic envi”on—ent this p”oduct —ay cause ”adio
inte”fe”ence in which case the use” —ay be ”e“ui”ed to take ade“uate —easu”es.
EMC Di”ective 2004/108/EC
CISPR 22/EN 55022 C–ass A: Li—its and —ethods of —easu”e—ent of ”adio distu”bance
cha”acte”istics of Info”—ation Techno–ogy E“uip—ent.
CISPR 24/EN 55024 Info”—ation Techno–ogy E“uip—ent I——unity Cha”acte”istics
Li—its and Methods of Measu”e—ents
Class B
EMC Di”ective 2004/108/EC
CISPR 22/EN 55022 C–ass B: Li—its and —ethods of —easu”e—ent of ”adio distu”bance
cha”acte”istics of Info”—ation Techno–ogy E“uip—ent.
CISPR 24/EN 55024 Info”—ation Techno–ogy E“uip—ent I——unity Cha”acte”istics
Li—its and Methods of Measu”e—ents
26 Reference
AMD Radeon R9 Fury X Graphics Card
Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
Содержание Radeon R9 Fury X
Страница 1: ...AMD Radeon R9 Fury X Graphics Card User Guide Part Number 55506_enu_1 00 ...
Страница 4: ...iv AMD Radeon R9 Fury X Graphics Card 2015 Advanced Micro Devices Inc ...
Страница 10: ...4 Getting Started AMD Radeon R9 Fury X Graphics Card 2015 Advanced Micro Devices Inc ...
Страница 18: ...12 Display Configuration AMD Radeon R9 Fury X Graphics Card 2015 Advanced Micro Devices Inc ...