6.2.2 Disclaimer
AMD Custo—e” Ca”e fo” G”aphics P”oducts wi–– wo”k to ”eso–ve you” issue and he–p
you to get you” p”oduct up and ”unning. If you” issue is not ”eso–ved, ou” technicians
wi–– dete”—ine whethe” the difficu–ty you a”e expe”iencing is the ”esu–t of the p”oduct,
whethe” you” p”oduct contains a defect, and whethe” you” p”oduct is unde”
AMD Custo—e” Ca”e is unab–e to assist with ”efunds, ”etu”ns, o” exchange-
specific in“ui”ies. If ”eso–ving the p”ob–e— being expe”ienced is c”itica– to you”
decision to keep the p”oduct, it is you” ”esponsibi–ity to ensu”e that you know
and a”e within the pe”iod of ti—e you” ”ese––e” wi–– a––ow fo” ”efunds, ”etu”ns,
o” exchange.
AMD is not ”esponsib–e fo” any expense incu””ed accessing Custo—e” Ca”e. It is
expected that custo—e”s wi–– ”eview the expense associated with the avai–ab–e
suppo”t options and wi–– choose the —ethod that best —eets thei” needs and
AMD Custo—e” Ca”e ”ese”ves the ”ight to –i—it suppo”t options fo” p”oducts that
a”e not ”egiste”ed o” a”e ”eaching end of –ife.
6.3 Liquid Cooling Solution Safety Guidelines
The –i“uid coo–ing so–ution fo” the AMD Radeon R9 Fu”y X g”aphics ca”d is a thi”d-
pa”ty so–ution that is p”ovided by Coo–e” Maste” Co., Ltd. Mo”e info”—ation about the
unit can be obtained th”ough Coo–e” Maste” using a Coo–e” Maste” pa”t nu—be” of
The antif”eeze/coo–ant contained within the –i“uid coo–ing so–ution fo” you” g”aphics
ca”d is a haza”dous che—ica– that —ay cause bodi–y ha”— if it is a––owed to escape f”o—
the coo–ing so–ution. This section p”ovides detai–s about the coo–ant and the safety
—easu”es that shou–d be taken in case of coo–ant –eakage.
Review this section ca”efu––y and a–ways hand–e the –i“uid coo–ing so–ution and
g”aphics ca”d with ca”e. Mo”e info”—ation can be obtained di”ect–y f”o— the coo–ant
supp–ie” (100004 She–– (China) Li—ited) at
using p”oduct
code 001C4856 and the co””esponding safety data sheet
Safety Data Sheet, Shell Long
Life-OAT - 45 degrees C, Antifreeze/Coolant, document number 000000011241 MSDS_CN,
version 1.2
6.3.1 Hazards Identification
The coo–ant contains a —ixtu”e of —onoethy–ene g–yco– / ethanedio– and has a GHS
c–assification of:
Acute toxicity, Catego”y 4
Specific ta”get o”gan toxicity ”epeated exposu”e, Catego”y 2, kidney.
The fo––owing tab–e shows GHS e–e—ents and state—ents that app–y to the coo–ant and
appea” on the wa”ning –abe–s fo” the –i“uid coo–ing so–ution.
22 Reference
AMD Radeon R9 Fury X Graphics Card
Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
Содержание Radeon R9 Fury X
Страница 1: ...AMD Radeon R9 Fury X Graphics Card User Guide Part Number 55506_enu_1 00 ...
Страница 4: ...iv AMD Radeon R9 Fury X Graphics Card 2015 Advanced Micro Devices Inc ...
Страница 10: ...4 Getting Started AMD Radeon R9 Fury X Graphics Card 2015 Advanced Micro Devices Inc ...
Страница 18: ...12 Display Configuration AMD Radeon R9 Fury X Graphics Card 2015 Advanced Micro Devices Inc ...