Travel Sentry
Approved Cable 4-Digit Combination Lock
Câble Antivol à Code de 4 Chiffres, Homologué par Travel Sentry
Kombinations-Kabelschloss mit 4-stelliger Zahlenkombination, Travel Sentry
Lucchetto con Combinazione a 4 Cifre con Cavo Approvato da Travel Sentry
Candado con Combinación de 4 Dígitos y Cable Aprobado por Travel Sentry
Travel Sentry
-Goedgekeurd Kabelslot met 4-Cijferige Combinatie
Travel Sentry
容認 4 桁暗証番頭ロック
Warranty Information
To obtain a copy of the warranty for this product:
UK: amazon.co.uk/basics-warranty
US: +1-866-216-1072 / UK: +44 (0) 800-279-7234
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Step 1: Open the Lock:
Rotate each numbered wheel (4 of them) until the number "0" is lined up
on the side of the lock with the arrows. Pull up on the shackle to open the
Step 2: Set your Combination:
Pull up on the shackle and rotate the shackle 90° counter clockwise. Push
down on the shackle and turn it another 90° counter clockwise. To set the
4 digit combination you want turn each numbered wheel to the desired
number you want.
Step 3: To Lock in your Combination:
Turn the shackle 90 degrees clockwise. Pull up on the shackle and turn
another 90 degrees clockwise. Push down the shackle into the hole, until
your hear it click. Turn the numbered wheels to mix up the numbers so
you new combination is no longer on the side of the lock. Try pulling up on
the shackle to see if the lock will unlock. Repeat step 1, only this time use
the combination you set.
This product contains small items that could be a choking hazard if swallowed.
Keep these items away from young children.
• Make sure to read and understand these instructions before attempting to
operate and change the combination of this lock.
The default combination is 0-0-0-0. To change the combination,
follow the steps below.
Make sure the 4 numbers are in aligned on the side of the lock
with the arrows.
Ce produit contient de petites pièces susceptibles de constituer un risque
d’étouffement en cas d’ingestion. Maintenez ces pièces hors de la portée des jeunes
• Assurez-vous de lire et d'assimiler ces instructions avant d'essayer d'utiliser ou
de modifier la combinaison de ce dispositif de verrouillage.
La combinaison par défaut est 0-0-0-0. Pour modifier la
combinaison, procédez de la manière suivante.
8 9 0 1 2
8 9 0 1 2
8 9 0 1 2
8 9 0 1 2
Using this Travel Sentry
Approved lock allows your luggage to be opened,
inspected and relocked by security authorities without damage.
このTravel Sentry® 認可ロックであなたの預け手荷物は
L’utilisation de ce cadenas Travel Sentry
Approved permet à votre
bagage d’être ouvert, inspecté et refermé sans dommage par les autorités
de sécurité
Ein mit einem Schloss Travel Sentry
Approved ausgestattetes
Gepäckstück kann ohne Beschädigung von den Sicherheitsbehörden
geöffnet, überprüft und wieder verschlossen werden.
L’uso del lucchetto Travel Sentry
Approved consente al tuo bagaglio di
essere aperto, controllato e richiuso dalle autorità di sicurezza senza
El uso de este candado Travel Sentry
Approved permite que su equipaje
sea abierto, inspeccionado y cerrado sin daños por las autoridades de
Dit Travel Sentry
Approved slot stelt de veiligheidsautoriteiten in staat
uw bagage zonder beschadiging te openen, te inspecteren en daarna
weer te sluiten.