Electrical Connections
To avoid death or personal injury due to
electrical shock, disconnect all electrical
power before connecting electrical wiring.
Wiring must conform to NEC or CEC and all
local codes.
To avoid death or personal injury due to
electrical shock, wiring to the unit must be
properly grounded.
To avoid the risk of fire or equipment
damage, use only 75°C copper conductors.
1. Refer to Table 4 for Minimum Circuit Ampacity and
Maximum Overcurrent Protection (also located on unti
nameplate). Use this information to properly size
supply wire per NEC , CEC or local codes.
2. Remove the proper size knockout from the unit. Be
sure to use correctly sized electrical conduit to bring
power to the unit. Refer to blower coil installation
instructions for knockout sizes and conduit connection
EDK models
Connect power supply wires to high voltage terminal
block per the wiring diagram supplied with the heater
EDB models
Assemble the low voltage barrier on the left side of the
breakers. This prevents the unit high voltage wires
from touching the low voltage field wires.
4. Connect ground wires to ground lug provided in unit.
NOTE: For models larger than 10 kW using multiple
power supplies, a second ground lug is provided on
the heater assembly.
1. Plug the 12-pin male connector from the heater kit into
the 12-pin female connector on the control board in
the unit control box.
2. Check the minimum blower speed allowed for the
heater size installed per Tables 3 and 4 and adjust
blower speed if required.
3. Apply the supplied foam gasket over the edge of the
control box. The gasket seals and protects the control
box against air leaks.
Double check all factory wiring connections to ensure none
were loosened or detached during shipping and handling.
1. Apply the proper Electric Heat Wiring diagram (pro-
vided in Heater Kit bag assembly) over existing wiring
diagram on the blower housing.
2. On the unit nameplate place a check mark or "X" by the
heater model installed .