Amana ATB1935HRQ Скачать руководство пользователя страница 1

Содержание ATB1935HRQ

Страница 1: ...e refrigerator com partment on the upper left side Record these numbers below for easy access Model Number Serial Number Part No 111537 1 Form C 09 03 Table of Contents Important Safety Instructions 1 Installation 2 4 Temperature Controls 5 Looking Inside 6 7 Ice Service 8 Food Storage Tips and Chart 9 10 Storing the Refrigerator 11 Care and Cleaning Normal Operating Sounds 13 Before You Call 14 W...

Страница 2: ...e with the local and national electrical codes See A_ warning and the grounding instructions that follow Unplug the refrigerator before clean ing or replacing a light bulb In case of power failure minimize door openings If the power failure is of a long duration protect the food by plac ing blocks of dry ice on top of the packages or check with a local frozen foods locker about temporary storage F...

Страница 3: ...or at least 30 minutes before plugging in Remove and retain levelers attached to crate base Remove and discard crate base and screws Using slip joint pliers install levelers all the way into holes located in the front corners of the cabinet Baser Screw _ _ _ _ To enhance appearance and maintain performance the refrigerator should be level Depending on the model the refrig erator can be leveled in ...


Страница 5: them on the opposite side 11 Remove screw hole plugs from top of cabinet and replace on the opposite side 12 Remove washers and stem from the inside of the hinge plate and place them on the outside of the hinge plate 13 Carefully replace refrigerator door on the hinge plate in lower corner 14 Slide the hinge arm into place and secure with screw 15 Carefully place freezer door on top of hinge...

Страница 6: ...n starting the refrigerator do not change either control more than one number at a time Allow 24 hours for temperatures to stabilize before resetting Changing either control will have some effect on the temperature of the other compartment GIIII 111111 At times the front of the refrigerator cab inet may be warm to the touch This is a normal occurrence that helps prevent moisture from condensing on...

Страница 7: ...rame openings and let the shelf settle into place making sure the shelf is securely locked at the rear On certain models the outside edge of the shelf rests on rails formed into the side of the refrigerator cabinet shelf style may vary Full Width 8helves Some models have full width shelves that rest on linear sup port rails To remove pull the shelf for ward until it stops lift the front and pull t...

Страница 8: ...crisper until it stops tilt the drawer up slightly and pull it out To replace the crisper drawer align the drawer in the tracks lift the drawer front and slide in For best results keep the crispers tightly closed The Crisper Shelf Top serves as the lower refrigerator shelf To remove the crisper shelf lift the front edge of the shelf pull the shelf straight out To replace the crisper shelf position...

Страница 9: ... They can easily be broken apart The ice maker will continue to make ice until the supply of ice cubes raises the sensor arm shutting the ice maker off Certain sounds may accompany the various cycles of the ice maker The motor may have a slight hum the cubes will rattle as they fall into an empty storage pan and the water valve may click or buzz occasionally If the ice is not used frequently the i...

Страница 10: ...cheese cream sour cream or yogurt when mold appears DAIRY FOOD Most dairy foods such as milk yogurt sour cream and cottage cheese have freshness dates on their cartons for appropriate length of storage Store these foods in the original carton and refrigerate immediately after purchas ing and after each use IOOl TIIill The freezer compartment of a refriger ator should be kept at approximately 0 F T...

Страница 11: ...le Not recommended 6 12 months 8 10 months 8 10 months Not recommended 8 10 months Not recommended 12 months 9 months 2 6 months 1 month 3 4 months 6 9 months 1 2 months 1 2 months 1 2 months 1 2 months 4 6 months 4 months 1 2 months 1 2 months 4 6 months 1 month Wrap tightiy or cover Check carton date Close tightly Don t return unused portions to original container Don t freeze cream unless whipp...

Страница 12: ...n be rolledout for clean ingthe floor underneath Raisethe leveling screws if engaged see page 2 Pull the refrigeratorstraightout fromthe wall REPLACING A LIGHT BULB Disconnect the power cord before replacing light bulb s Wear gloves as protection against broken glass Always use a standard 40 or 60 watt appliance bulb Refrigerator The light bulb s is are located under the top of the refrigerator co...

Страница 13: ...d liquid sprays Baking soda and warm water Mild detergent and warm water Mild detergent and warm water Glass cleaner Mild liquid sprays Mild detergent and warm water Baking soda and warm water Mild detergent and warm water Drawers bins egg cradle etc Dry with a clean soft cloth Do not wipe the refrigerator with a soiled dishwashing cloth or wet towel These may leave residue that can scratch and we...

Страница 14: ...nd may occur in the freezer when the unit starts up due to contraction or expansion of the materials in the freezer area REFRIGERANT FLOW The flow of the I refrigerant in your refrigerator may cause a I gurgling or rattling sound when the unit is running or just after the unit cycles off The refr gerant s st f ow ng n the tub ng AIRFLOW SOUNDS Both the freezer evaporator fan and the condenser fan ...

Страница 15: ...g is preventing door from closing Unblock to allow warm air to exit unit Unplug refrigerator and change bulb see page 11 Check to see if power cord is completely plugged in Level cabinet see page 2 Cover or wrap odorous foods tightly Clean cabinet See Normal Operating Sounds page 13 Cabinet not level Control set too warm Prolonged door openings Room temperature Iess than 55 E Products with high su...

Страница 16: ...eadily determined Products purchased for commercial industrial rental or leased use Products located outside of the United States or Canada Premium service charges if the servicer is requested to perform service in addition to normal service or outside normal service hours or area Adjustments after the first year Repairs resulting from the following Improper installation exhaust system or maintena...

Страница 17: ...odes iede I appareil Ces numerossontinscritssur uneplaquesignaletique dans Ie compartiment de refrig ation c6te gauche en haut Notercesnum os ci dessous Numero de mode e Numerode sede Table des Matieres Instructions de SecuriteImportantes 17 Installation 8 20 Reglages des lesTemp atures 2 InterieurduRefrigerateur 22 23 Production de Glace 24 ConseilsPourIa Conservation desAliments 25 26 Remisage d...

Страница 18: codesnational et local des installationselectriques Voir _ ci dessousravertissement et les instructions deliaisona laterre Debrancher lerefrigerateur avantdelenet toyeroude remptacer uneampoule En casde panned electricit eviterd ou vrir les portes Si rinterruptionderalimen tation se prolonge placer des blocs de glace carboniquepar dessusles paquets pourprotegerlesalimentsplusIongtemps ou contac...

Страница 19: ...igerateur doltresterverticalpendant aumoins30 minutesavantd 6trebranche Retireret conserver les dispositifs de mise niveaufixesa labasededemenagement Retireret jeter la basede demenagement et les vis A I aide d une pince a joint coulissant installerles dispositifsde mise a niveau dansles troussituesaux anglesavantde Ia caisse Dispositifs _ de raise fl _ _F _ nlveau _ Su_ _t demenagemem _ _ _ _ _ V...


Страница 21: ...essusde Ia caisseet les reinstallerde I autrec6t 12 Retirerles rondelleset I axede I interieur dela plaquedecharniereet Iesinstaller I exterieur dela plaquedecharniere 13 ReinstallersoigneusementIa porte du refrigerateur sur laplaquedecharniereau coininferieur 14 Coulisserlebrasdecharniereen placeet lefixeravecunevis 15 Installersoigneusement la porte du con gelateur sur le dessus du bras de charn...

Страница 22: ...boutonsde com mande selon les indicationsdu tableau ci dessous Sauf Iorsde la miseen marcheinitialedu refrigerateur nepaschangerlapositiondu boutondecommande deplusd uneunite Iafois Laisserles temperatures se stabiliserpen dant 24 heures avant de modifier les reglages Une modificationdu reglagede I un ou I autredesboutonsdecommande entrafne une modificationde la temperaturedarts I autrecompartimen...

Страница 23: ...clayette retomberen place en s assurantqu ellese retrouve bien verrouillee a I arriere Sur certains modeles le bord exterieur de la cIayettereposesur les railsquifont partiede la paroilateralede lacaissedu refrig6rateur Iemodelepeutvarier Clayettespie helargeur Certainsmodeles comportentdes clayettespleine largeurqui reposent surdesrailsdesupport Enlevement tirer la clayettevers I avantjusqu ace q...

Страница 24: ...Iegumes aligner le bac avec les rails de coulissement SouleverI avantdu bac et faireglisserle bac i PourI obtention desmeilleursresultats veiller ace que les bacs a Iegumes soienttoujours fermes Laclayetteinferieure du refrigerateur tientlieu duP_afond du Ba a Legumes Deposede la clayetteinferieuredu refrigera teur soulever lebordavantde laclayette Tirer laclayetteen lignedroite Reinstatlationde l...

Страница 25: ...ra a produiredes glagonsjusqu a ce queleuraccumulation dartsle recepta cle provoquele soulevement du bras de detection ce qui provoqueI arrStde Ia machine a glagons Certainssonspeuvent 8tre audibles durant Ies diversesphasesde la productionde glagons legerbourdonnement du moteur chutedeglagonsdartsle receptacle videet manoeuvresd ouvertureet fermeturede I electrovanne d arriveed eau Si la consomma...

Страница 26: ... yaourt PRODUITS LAITIERS Unedatede peremption indiquantlalimite deconservation apparaftgeneralement sur I emballagede la plupart des produits Iaitierscommelait yaourt cremesure et fromage cottage On dolt veiller conserver ces aliments dans leur emballage d origine eta les refrigerer immediatementapres I achat et apres chaqueprelevement AUA NT La temperaturedarts le compartimentde congelationd un ...

Страница 27: ... 4 6 mois 4 mois 1 2 mois 1 2 mois 4 6 mois 1 mois Bien empaqueter ou couvrir Verifierla date sur I embaUage 8ienfermer Ne pas remettreta pattienon utiliseedanale contenant d origine Ne pascongeierla creme moinsqu eUe ne soitfouettee Bien envelopper Conserver dans le contenant d origine Wrifier la date sur le cartonnage Bien envelopper Decouper toute pattie moisie Refrig6rer pointe vers le bas Pou...

Страница 28: possiblede faire roulerle refrigerateur sur le sol pour pouvoirnettoyerle plancher sous le refrigerateur Faired abordremonter lesvisde misea niveausi ellessontabaissees page18 Tirer le refrigerateur en lignedroite pourI ecarter du tour REMPLACEMENT D UNE AMPOULE Debrancherle cordon d alimentation avant deremplace uneampoulel Porter des gantsatitredeprotection contreun eventuelbrisduverre Utilis...

Страница 29: ...t eautiede Eautiedeet detergent doux Eautiedeet detergent doux Produitde nettoyage du verre Liquidepulverisabte doux Eautiedeet detergent doux Bicarbonate de sodiumet eautiede Eautiedeetdetergent doux Doublures internes porteet interieur Tiroirs bacs oeufrier balconnets etc Secheravecunlingedouxpropre Nepasessuyerlerefrigerateur avecuneserviette humideouuntorchonavais sellesale ilpourraity avoirsu...

Страница 30: ... refrigerationpeut avoir _ fonctionner plus Iongtemps pour maintenir les aliments aux temperatures souhaitees Ce nouveau compresseur tres efficace peut fonctionner plus Iongtempset produiredes bruitscomme un ronronnementaiguoudes vibrations DILATATION ET CONTRACTION DU COMPARTIMENT DECONGt_LATION Un bruitsec peut se produire dans le congelateur Iorsque rappareil se meten marcheparsuitede la dilata...

Страница 31: ...gerateur temperature basse congelation des aliments Machinea gla ons ne fonctionne pas Les gla_ onsont un go_t une odeur Gta_onseolles dane le moule Evaporationdes glac ons Humidite sur la surfacede la caisse entre les portes Humidite sur lee parois internes ou darts les bacs Assechementdesaliments Humidite excessivedans le bac _legumes Aplombdeficientde la caisse Commanderegteea une temperature t...

Страница 32: ...nt desampoules Apparelsdontlenumerodeseriea eteenlev modifieou illisible Apparelsachetesa desfinscommerciales industrieIles oulocatives Apparelsachetesa I exterieur duCanadaoudes Etats Unis Fraisdeservicesupplementaires si le prestataire de serviceapres vente offreun servicea I exterieur dela zonedesservieou endehorsdesheuresouvrabtes Reglages apreslapremiereannee Reparations resultantde ce quisui...

Страница 33: placa de datos dentrodel compartimiento del refriger ador enel ladosuperiorizquierdo Parafacilacce so escribaestos nt3meros en los espaciosprovis tosa continuacion Numerode modelo NOmero de serie Instrucciones Importantes de Seguridad 33 Instalacion 34 36 Controles de lasTemperaturas 37 VistadeI Interior 38 39 Fabricaci6n de HieIo 40 Sugerencias ParaConservarIosAlimentos 41 42 Almacenamiento de...

Страница 34: ...a sido debidamente puesto a tierra segQnlos c6digoselec triceslocalesy nacionales Verlaadverten cia _iL y lasinstrucciones de puestaa tier raquese indicancontinuacion Desenchufe el refrigerador antes de Iimpiarlo o de reemplazar elfoco Encasede uncortedecorrienteebctrica tratedeabrirlapuertaIomenosposible Si Ia falla electricase prolongademasiado protejalos alimentos colocando bloquesde hielo seco...

Страница 35: ...Y_ 1 5cm en amboslados arribay detrasdel refrige rador para facilitar a instalacion Si el refrigerador es co ocado con el ladode la bisagrade la puertacontraunapared es necesario dejarespacioadicionalo invertir apuerta verpagina 36 paraque apuerta puedaabrirsemas Tengacuidado al instalarel refrigerador sobre pisosde vinilo o maderade modo quenose rayeno daSen Sepuedeutilizar unpedazodemaderacontra...

Страница 36: ...deberiaestarniveladasi elgabinete estanivelado La puertadelcongelador estademasia doalta Retire la tapa Afloje los de la bisagra tornillos _ _ _J _ Espaciador de espuma de la puerta NO Io descarte I Ambas puertas estan demasiado altas Retire la tapa Afloje los de la bisagra MANIJADELAPUERTA DELREFRIGERADOR CONMOLDURA DEEXTENSION SE REQUIEREUN DESTORNILLADOR PHILLIPSNO 2 PARALA INSTALAClON O COLOQU...

Страница 37: ...rosde los tornillosde la parte superiordeI gabinete y coI6quelos enel ladoopuesto 12 Retirelas arandelas y virgulitasdel interi ordela paladelabisagray col6quelas en elexteriordela palade Iabisagra 13 Vuelvaa colocarcuidadosamente lapuer ta delrefrigerador enla paladela bisagra enla esquinainferior 14 Inserteel brazode la bisagraen su Iugar y asegQrelo conuntornillo 15 Coloque cuidadosamente la pu...

Страница 38: ...justeel los control es segOn se indicaenIa tablasiguiente Con la excepci6nde cuandose poneen funcionamiento el refrigeradorporprimera vez no cambieningunode los controles masde unnOmero a Iavez Espere24 horasparaque Ia temperatura se estabiliceantesde reajustar Cualquiercambioen unode los controles afectarala temperaturadel otro compar timiento A veces la parte delanteradel refrigerador puedesenti...

Страница 39: dequeestefirmemente bloqueada en la parte trasera Enalgunosmodelos el hordeexteriorde la parrilladescansaen los rielesmoldeados enlosIadosdelgabinetedel refrigerador elestilodelas parrillaspuedevariar Parrillasatodo el Ancho Algunosmodelos tienenparrillasatodoelanchoquedescansan enlosrielesdesoportederechos Parasacar tire de la parrillahaciaadelantehastaquese detenga levante la partedelanteray ...

Страница 40: ...e Ias verduras alineelagavetaen los rieles Ievantela parte delanterade la gavetay deslicelahastasu lugar I Para obtener mejores resultados mantengalas gavetasde las verduras hermeticamente cerradas La Parte Superior de la Gaveta de las verduras sirve come parritla inferior del refrigerador Pararetirarla parritlasobre Ia gavetade las verduras levanteel borde detanterode la parrilla tire de la parri...

Страница 41: ...malquevarioscubossalganunidos Sepodransepararfacilmente Lamaquina de hacer hielo continuara produciendo hielo hastaque la cantidadde cubosde hielo sea suficiente para levantar la manecillade alambre y la maquinase apague Se puedenoir ciertos ruidos cuandose esta fabricandoel hielo El motor puede hacerunIevezumbido los cubossonaran alcaersobrela bandeja vaciay la lave de aguapuedeemitirunchasquido ...

Страница 42: ... Iacteoscomo Ia leche yogur nata cortaday requeson muestranIa fechade vencimiento en sus envases para asegurar su correcta duraci6n Guardeestos alimentosen los envasesoriginalesy refrigerelosIo mas prontoposibley despuesdecadauso i li lll llG ilO El compartimiento del congelador se debe mantener a unatemperatura approximada mente 18oC 0 F o inferior Paraverificar Ia temperatura coIoque un termomet...

Страница 43: ...tes de ser refrigeradas Los platanos y los aguacates se obscurecen cuando son refrigerados Tambien se puede guardar a 60 a 70 F 15 a 21 C Si se refrigeran guardelas sin oubrirlas No maduraran despues de la compra Use rapidamente No lave antes de refrigerar Guarde en la gaveta de las verduras Envueiva tos alimentos que producen olor Deje los chicharos en las vainas Envuelva los alimentos que produc...

Страница 44: ...el Elevelos tornilIosniveladores si estanbloqueados Ver pagina34 Tiredel refrigerador directamente haciaafuerade la pared REEMPLAZO DE UNA BOMBILLA Desenchufe el cable electricoantesde reemplazarla s bombilla s Pongase guantes comoproteccioncontra posi blesvidriosrotos 8iempre use una bombillaestandarpara electrodomestico de 40o 60watts Refrigerador La s bombilla s seencuentra n debajode la partes...

Страница 45: ...osol Bicarbonato desoday agua tibia Detergente suavey aguatibia Detergente suavey aguatibia Limpiavidrios Detergentes liquidossuaves enaerosol Detergente suavey aguatibia Bicarbonato desoday agua tibia Detergente suavey aguatibia ParedInterior y revestimiento de la puerta Gavetas depositos bandeja paraloshuevos etc Sequecon unpasosuavey limpio Nuncalimpieel refrigerador con unpasosucioo unatoallam...

Страница 46: ...stallido en el congelador cuando el refrigerador comienza a funcionar debido a la contracci6no expansi6nde los materiales enel_ readelcongelador FLUJODELREFRIGERANTE Elflujo del refrigerante en su refrigerador puede causar un sonido comeI borboteo o golpeteo cuando el refrigerador este I funcionandoo juste despu6sde que el refrigerador terminael ciclo Elrefrigerante todavfaestacirculando en as tub...

Страница 47: ...ntos La maquina de haeer hielo automatiea no funeiona Los cubos de hielo tienen olor sabor Los cubos de hielo se pegan enla bandeja Los cubos de hielo se evaporan Humedaden la superficie del gabinete entre las puertas Humedaden las paredes interiores del refrigerador o en la gavetade las verduras Los alimentos se secan EIgabineteno estanivelado Controlajustadoa una temperatura demasiadotibia Apert...

Страница 48: ...que lostenganalter adosoque nose puedandeterminar con facilidad Productos comprados confinesdeuso comercial industrial paraalquilero renta Productos quese encuentren fuerade losEstadosUnidos o Canada Cargosporserviciopostal si al tecnicosele pideque realiceserviciosadi cionalesalservicionormalo fueradehorashabileso delarea Ajustesdespuesdel primeraio Lasreparaciones causadas por Lainstalacion elsi...
