Clicking Finish generates your customized Arria V GZ Native PHY IP Core.
General Parameters for Arria V GZ Native PHY
This section describes the datapath parameters in the General Options tab for the Arria V GZ native PHY.
Table 14-2: General and Datapath Options
The following table lists the parameters available on the General Options tab. Note that you can enable the
Standard PCS, the 10G PCS, or both if you intend to reconfigure between the two available PCS datapaths.
Device speed grade
fastest - 3_H3
Specifies the speed grade.
Message level for rule
When you select the error message level, the
Quartus II rules checker reports an error if you
specify incompatible parameters. If you select the
warning message level, the Quartus II rules checker
reports a warning instead of an error.
Datapath Options
Enable TX datapath
When you turn this option On, the core includes the
TX datapath.
Enable RX datapath
When you turn this option On, the core includes the
RX datapath.
Enable Standard PCS
When you turn this option On, the core includes the
Standard PCS . You can enable both the Standard
and 10G PCS if you plan to dynamically reconfigure
the Native PHY.
Enable 10G PCS
When you turn this option On, the core includes the
10G PCS. You can enable both the Standard and
10G PCS if you plan to dynamically reconfigure the
Native PHY.
Number of data channels
Device Dependent Specifies the total number of data channels in each
direction. From 1-32 channels are supported.
General Parameters for Arria V GZ Native PHY
Altera Corporation
Arria V GZ Transceiver Native PHY IP Core
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