Quick Start User’s Guide,
Safety Guide & Disclaimer
Model SKR-4300UTO
USB Keyboard
Thank you for purchasing the AlphaGrip, model SKR-4300UTO, a handheld,
touch typing keyboard and mouse. AlphaGrip technology enables comfortable,
high speed, desk-free typing and gaming on your PC.
The key to the AlphaGrip is the placement of rocker buttons and button
clusters on the back of the device. When you grasp the SKR-4300UTO your
fingers naturally fall on all the buttons you need (including button clusters on the
front of the device where your thumbs naturally fall) to generate all the letters of
the alphabet with a single keystroke per character. Green and red shift keys let
you generate numbers, punctuations and other functions as well.
To view and/or print out the SKR-4300UTO User Manual, please visit our website,
Important Safety Information
Using the SKR-4300UTO on a regular basis involves repetitive finger motion. Studies indicate that activities
involving repetitive arm, and, and finger motion may lead to certain types of physical discomfort or injury
(Repetitive Strain Injuries, “RSI”), including, but not limited to, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and tendonitis.
AlphaGrip, Inc.,
has not
conducted extensive studies to analyze the SKR-4300UTO’s ergonomic
characteristics and, therefore,
does not claim
that using the SKR-4300UTO is more ergonomic than typing
on a standard keyboard or using a game controller or joystick or that use of the SKR-4300UTO is
ergonomic at all.
When using your SKR-4300UTO for extended periods of time you should take frequent breaks, change the
position of your arms and body at regular intervals, and/or put your SKR-4300UTO down to massage your
hands and fingers and to move or stretch other parts of your body especially your shoulders, neck and
arms. If you feel pain, numbness, or discomfort in any part of your body while using the SKR-4300UTO,
including, but not limited to, your back, neck, shoulders, arms, wrists, hands, or fingers, discontinue use
immediately and consult a healthcare professional. Use of the SKR-4300UTO is at your own risk.
AlphaGrip, Inc., its employees, shareholders, consultants, affiliates, marketers, resellers, and
manufacturing partners, hereby disclaim any liability whatsoever for any injuries or damages that may arise
as a result of your use of the SKR-4300UTO.
Additional safety guidelines:
1. Keep your elbows near your body in a relaxed posture. Do not move them out for support on your
chair’s arm rests.
2. Keep your thumbs and fingers in a relaxed, natural position and press the buttons lightly with your finger
3. Try to keep your wrists at a comfortable angle.
4. Rest the SKR-4300UTO in your lap while typing whenever possible.
1. The contents of the package in which you received your SKR-4300UTO should contain the following:
a. One SKR-4300UTO