RBMS Plus Installation and Opera
RBMS Plus Installation and Operation Manual
Alpha Technologies Ltd. | www.alpha.ca
0370260-J0 Rev B
E-mail Setup (5)
The e-mail system will send alarm messages to a maximum of three e-mail addresses.
If your server requires a username and password enter the username followed by “Enter”. If the username is left blank,
the RBMS Plus will not send the username and password to the mail server. To keep the present name type “Enter”.
To setup the e-mail system, type a “5” followed by “Enter” from the setup main menu. Enter the outgoing e-mail server
name. If there is no server name the e-mail system is disabled. If a server name was previously entered, it will be
shown. To change the server name, type the new name followed by “Enter”. To keep the server name shown, type
“Enter”. To remove the server name (or the contents of any other text field) type any character, then “Backspace”
followed by “Enter”. The IP address of the mail server can be entered in place of the server name if the server is